Chapter 12

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Hannah's POV:

I wake up early so I can make a big breakfast for Sam and Lewis. I hope Sam slept all right, I was worried she may not feel comfortable here. I flip over on the bed and notice that Lewis is not there. Weird. Maybe he went into work early. I completely understand if he did... I have a lot of stuff to record and edit. 

I get up and take a quick shower. After washing and drying myself off, I brush my teeth and hair, and get dressed. My outfit for the day is a pretty blue long sleeve shirt with a cute pair of jeans and flats. 

I decide to check on Sam before I start cooking breakfast in case she needs anything. When I peek in her room, I see the cutest sight. Sam is sprawled out on the bed hogging the covers while Lewis is in a fetal position. I imagine Simon screaming "AWWWWW," and smile. 

After snapping a few pictures of the cuties, I head into the kitchen and start an amazing breakfast.

Lewis's POV: 

I wake curled up on the side of Sam's bed. She is still sleeping soundly next to me. I yawn and rub the sleep out of my eyes, then head into mine and Hannah's room to get dressed.

Once I am dressed for the day, I head to the kitchen. Something smells delicious, and I'm very hungry. Plus, I need some tea. 

"Good morning sleepy-head! I've got some tea for you!" Hannah says. 

I smile thankfully at her. She always remembers what I need to fully wake up.

"Thank you Hannah," I say.

She nods at me and gives a little wink. "Sooooo, how'd you end up in Sam's room last night?"

I sigh sadly. "She was having a nightmare. I heard her crying and screaming, so I went in and comforted her. I laid down with her and must have fallen asleep. Hopefully, she got some rest." 

"That was really sweet of you Lewis. So was it weird, acting like a father?" she asks. 

I shrug. "Not really. It was just kind of natural. i felt like I needed to be there for her." 

"So... what are we going to do about her?" Hannah asks.

"Well obviously we can't keep her," I reply. "I'll call someone today and see what they want us to do."

"Lewis... but why can't we keep her?" Hannah asks. 

"Hannah. We just can't. We're unfit parents. We work for YouTube, for christ's sake. I don't want to bring a teenage girl into the equation. She deserves better, especially considering her past," I tell her. 

Hannah sighs. "I know. It's just I can't bear to see her go! Just a few days with her and I already feel so attached." 

"Well then the quicker I get her a place to go sorted out, the better," I say. 

Sam's POV:

I wake up to a delicious smell. Lewis is gone. I wonder if he just stayed with me until I fell asleep. Whatever. 

I pull on one of the cute new outfits Hannah purchased for me and stare at myself in the vanity mirror. I look a lot older than I did when I left my father. 

I decide to put on a bit of makeup before I head into the kitchen. A bit of mascara, eye shadow, and lip gloss and I'm ready to go. 

I step out of my room and cautiously make my way to the kitchen. I hope I don't wake someone up or bother anyone, I'm not sure what time it is.

I'm a bit nervous of seeing Lewis after last night. He might think I'm a big old babby after my little cry-fest. I also wonder if they are going to get rid of me today. 

When I arrive into the kitchen, Hannah has a sad look on her face and Lewis looks upset.

"Good morning," I say quietly. 

"Oh! Sam!" Hannah says brightly. "I made you some breakfast." She gestures to the towering piles of food next to her. 

I giggle. "Hannah... are you trying to make me fat?" 

She smiles. "Of course not. I just didn't know what you liked, so I made a bunch of everything." 

"Well," I say, "I love all food, so whatever you made is fine with me. Oh, and do you have any tea?"

Lewis lets out a fake surprised gasp. "I thought Americans only drank sweet tea?" He jokes.

I roll my eyes playfully. "Of course not! Sweet tea is great... but regular tea is fantastic." 

Hannah loads up my plate with tons of food, and I begin shoveling it down. They both stared wide-eyed at me as I devour everything on my plate. 

"What? I love food," I say, spitting a few crumbs as I chew. 

They chuckle at me. Lewis's phone starts ringing and he sighs. "I've got to take this," He says. Then he walks into the other room. 

Hannah looks at her feet. 

"Is everything okay?" I ask. 

"Yea," she replies. "Everything is fine." 

I know something is off. The tone of her voice gave it away. And I know it has something to do with me. 

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