Chapter 25

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Sam's POV:

After a bit of walking around (and stopping for a cookie at the cafeteria), I manage to find the front desk. I get in line and smooth out my hair, trying to look presentable. I found some of my jeans and shirts in my room, so I put them on to look a bit more normal. Hopefully, the receptionist will look past my cuts and bruises. 

"Hi, how can I help you?" She asks.

"Hello. May I ask where Tom Clarke, Paul Sykes, and Erik Light are located?"

"Are you family?"

I nod. "I'm Erik Light's sister, Samantha Light. The other two are close friends."

"I'm afraid I can't let you see your close friends. I can give you a pass to see your brother, but that's it."

"Okay, thank you!" I smile brightly. 

She signs me in, which makes me a bit nervous. Hopefully she doesn't see my name anywhere. "Alright, he's in room 304. It's on floor 3, the left side, 2nd door from the lift." 

"Alright! Thanks so much!" I say, quickly heading towards the elevator. 

I plan to visit Erik first, since I know where he is. But I AM going to see Sparkles* and Sjin. No doubt about that. It's my fault they are hurt, and I'm definitely going to apologize and thank them for... rescuing me. 


I manage to find room 304 after getting a bit lost. I take a deep breath and mentally prepare myself to see my brother. I hope he doesn't hate me. 

I slowly open the door and walk in. "Erik?" I whisper.

No reply. "Erik?" I try again, walking closer to the bed. I giggle when a hear him snoring. He had always snored extremely loud. When we lived together, he would keep me up because he was so annoying. 

I sit down next to him and stroke his hair. He's out like a rock. I don't want to wake him up; I already feel bad enough. I kiss him on the head and find a stack of post-it notes along with a pen. I write him a short note for whenever he wakes up.

Hey bro. Thank you for everything you did. I'm sorry that you had to get involved. Anyways, i hope you feel better. I love you! ~Sam

"Bye Erik," I whisper to him and make my way out of the room. I wish I could have talked to him, but at least I left the note. 

"Now it's time to find Sjin and Sparkles*."

The Doctor:

Shoot. I may have given it away. I let it slip about Lewis and Simon adopting Sam. I hope she didn't realize. Lewis called me up and told me the news and asked when they could take her home. I told him that whenever she's ready, they can take her. I'm hoping that Sam just assumed I thought they were her parents and didn't know any better about the situation. I would hate to ruin the surprise. 

Kim's POV:

I headed home after talking to Sam and getting her some noodles. She's an amazing girl. Hannah sounded so happy when she called me and gave me the news. I'm excited for Lewis and Hannah. They deserve some happiness, especially with everything going on lately. Hannah told me almost immediately after she found out she would not be able to get pregnant. We are very close, and she needed someone other than Lewis to talk to. 

I also knew Lewis was extremely stressed. This all happened right around the time of the live-streams. He had to prepare everything and everyone for those, try and comfort Hannah, and deal with some video getting accidentally published. I also know he was upset. He always wanted to be a dad, at least, that's what Hannah told me. 

Honestly, I think them adopting Sam is going to be great for everyone. They needed a daughter. I wonder what it will be like around the office. 

As I think about the future, my phone buzzes. I have a text from Sam. 

Hey Kim. Lewis just called and asked for Sjin and Sparkles* room numbers. He said he had it written down but lost it. Thanks! ~Sam

I roll my eyes at the text. Obviously, Sam is going to see the two of them. If Lewis lost the room numbers, he could just ask the receptionist. I'm not going to stop her though. If she wants to see them this much, I think she deserves the room numbers. 

Room 326 and 329. Just be careful Sam. If you get caught, the blame's on you. -Kim

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