Chapter 21

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Sam's POV:

I feel like death. There are so many cuts over my body. I can barely move, and when I do, it's like someone holding a white-hot iron on me. The Devil has been torturing me. I don't know how much longer I can take it. 

I think it has been a few days. I don't know though. I've lost track of time. It's getting harder to keep fighting and to not succumb to darkness. I don't know if I'm going to make it. I just hope that Erik can forget about me. I want him to be happy. 

Simon's POV:

Everyone, including myself, has been in a terrible, depressed mood. I've been trying to keep a calm demeanor and lift everyone up, but I'm starting to crack. I miss Sam along with everyone else. I wish I had spent more time with her. 

I look out of my office and see Kim walk by. "Hey Kim, can you come here?"

She slowly walks in and I give a dramatic sigh. 

"Listen, Mandrew, I am so sorry about yelling at you a couple of days ago. I was just very stressed. I hope you can forgive me?" 

She smiles and gives me a hug. "Of course I can forgive you, you big dumb-dumb." 

"So Simon, how are we going to get Sam back for Hannah and Lewis?" 

"I don't know. I really don't. Hopefully, we will figure something out soon," I tell her. I pat her on the head and hand her a Jaffa. 

She rolls her eyes at me and does a little "woof" noise. 


It's about time for everyone to head home when I get a call on the intercom. 

"Mr. Lane? You have a visitor," the receptionist says. 

"All right. Send em' up."

I'm hoping we don't have a crazed fan on our hands who is going to reveal our location to everyone. We've had issues with that before. Luckily, it was nothing too major. 

There's a knock on my door and I open it to reveal a panting man. 

"Um, hello?" I say.

He bends over and slaps his knee. "Are you the Yogscast?"

"I'm one of many. Do you want something to drink?" I ask.

"No! No, listen! Sam. She told me I needed to get you. She's in trouble." 

My heart leaps into my throat. "Come with me." I take him into the common room and grab as many people as I can on the way.


Once everyone is in, I tell the man he needs to tell us what's going on. He looks a little nervous to be surrounded by so many people, but he manages to start explaining. 

"My name is Erik. I am Sam's older brother, and I-" he's cut off by Hannah slapping him across the face. 

"HANNAH!" Lewis yells. 

"Ow," the guy mumbles.

"That's the douche who left Sam alone with her monster of a father!" Hannah screeches.

"Please, I need your help," Erik begins to say, "Sam is in danger. Her father... he went crazy. She told me to come and get you guys. We need to call the police!" 

Lewis runs from the room and returns with a cell phone. "I'll call, you keep explaining while I give them information. "

Erik begins to tell the story of what happened when he went to visit Sam. He gives Lewis the address. 

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