Chapter 2

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Lewis's POV:

I feel terrible. After Hannah told me about what happened with Sam in the bathroom, I feel like a bad person for asking her to do this. It has to be done though, as much as I would like to keep her away from her past. I don't want anything to hurt her or bring up memories. 

I run my hands through my hair and take a deep breath. Sam's a strong girl. I know she is. I just don't want her to be too strong, if that makes any sense. 

"Lewis? Um, you might want to check the bacon!" Hannah says, interrupting me from my thoughts. 

I turn around and am stunned to see the bacon burned to a crisp. 

"Ah, fucking hell!" 

Sam giggles as she walks into the kitchen, a wide grin on her face. She grabs a paper towel and picks up a slice of the charred bacon and pops it into her mouth. 

"I-ts okay," she says, spewing crumbs everywhere. 

I just shrug my shoulders at her and she laughs again, this time Hannah joining in. 

"I've got some pancakes cooking also, so I guess you can just help yourself to the...bacon?" I tell the girls. 

Sam nods and grabs the plate of bacon, twirling it around as she goes to the table. She almost drops the plate but instead accidentally slams it down with a bang. 

She sucks in a surprised breath at the noise. "Sorry," she says. 

Hannah just rolls her eyes at her and gestures to the chair beside her, wrapping an arm around Sam's back once she's seated.

"You okay?" I hear her ask as I flip a pancake. Hannah's voice is so caring, so full of love. She makes a wonderful mother. 

"I'm fine," Sam replies quietly. 

Damn her and her too-strong ways. I wish she would let us in. I understand her fear and worry, but we love her. 

We make small talk for a little bit before I finish cooking the pancakes and get out orange juice. After we are all served and seated, Sam awkwardly shifts in her seat. 

"So... what did you guys want to talk to me about?" she asks. 

Hannah grabs Sam's hand as I begin to explain. 

"Well, since your father is going to be in jail for a long time, they are selling the house. You have to go by and sort out your things that you want to keep and throw away. You also have to get Erik's stuff, since he's unable to get it."

Sam looks perplexed for a minute, not upset. "Oh," she says. "Yea, okay. That's fine. What time are we stopping by?"

I practically do a double take at the ease in which she receives this information. She's so calm, so relaxed. 

"Are you sure you're okay to do this," Hannah begins, saying what I was about to ask, "We can ask them to reschedule..." 

"-No, I'm okay. Seriously guys. It's just an empty house. But you'll come with me, won't you?" she asks. 

"Of course," Hannah and I say automatically together. I look up and smile at my beautiful blonde-haired wife. I'm so lucky. 

Hannah looks back at me, a smile on her stunning face. 

"Ahem," Sam coughs. "You guys done staring intently at each other, because I for one, am creeped out." 

"Mhm," Hannah says, taking a sip of orange juice. 

"We're good," I tell her. 

Sam's POV:

Just stay strong. You can do this. 

I'm standing outside of my house , Lewis and Hannah on either side of me. I'm terrified of going in there. I don't want to have to re-visit the place that broke me. 

I tried to keep calm when Lewis told me we had to come over here. After this morning, I need to try and keep them from worrying about me. I don't want to be a burden. Especially after all they are doing for me. 

I take a step forward. The house looks dark and imposing, yet I refuse to back down. My father would have wanted me to run away screaming, so that's exactly the opposite of what I'm going to do. I've always been a bit of a rebel.

With my head head sort of high, I walk up the driveway. I hear the footsteps of Lewis and Hannah behind me, which only makes me press on. I need to show them I can do this. 

With all of the courage I can muster, I push open the door that once held me prisoner. A small gasp escapes me as I see broken furniture, dented walls, and a few splashes of blood. 

"Hey, it's okay," Lewis says, coming up behind me and wrapping me in a hug. 

"I know. It just caught me off guard," I tell him. 

I carefully make my way around the mess that is the living room. Hannah is looking at me weirdly as walk around downstairs. I almost ask her why she's looking at me so strangely, until I notice my stance. 

I'm half crouched down and moving quietly, sneakily. Realizing that my actions are something of the past, I stand up straight and try and act as normal as I can. 

"Weak," I think to myself. 

After scanning the downstairs for any items I might want, I manage to find a few pounds. There was nothing of much importance to me downstairs, since I almost never left my bedroom. I do however grab a wallet and dartboard for Erik. 

After putting everything in a bag, I stand at the bottom of the staircase. A feeling of dread overcomes me. How many times had I been thrown down those stairs? 3? 4? Or more? I can't remember. 

"You need to be punished!" The voice of my father echoes through my head, followed by memories of sharp, stabbing pain. 

My breath comes shortly, and a bit of fear laces my voice as I admit my weakness. "Hannah? Lewis? I can't go up there." 

Lewis nods his head and I see a few tears fall down Hannah's face. "It's fine honey. Is there anything you want from up their?" 

I nod to her. "I only need my photo album, sketchbook, and a few of my art things. The photo album is a leather book, and the drawings are in a folder. And just grab any art supplies you see," I tell them. 

"Will you be okay if we leave you down here alone for a few minutes while we grab everything?" Lewis asks. 

"Of course," I tell them. 

As they start making their way up the stairs, a blush starts across my face. "Uh guys?" 

"Yes?" Lewis asks, turning around. 

"Please, don't look at the stuff taped to my walls." 

Hannah nods obediently, but Lewis looks like he might take a peek. I shake my head at him, and he just grins a little bit wider. 

"Shit," I say under my breath as I hear a squeal a little while later. 

"YOU LITTLE FAN-GIRL YOU!" Lewis shouts. I hear Hannah scold him angrily, yet she has a playful tone in her voice. 

"I didn't know you watched our Tekkit series," he yells again. 

"Um, yea! I did whenever I got the chance," I mumble in reply. 

Although I'm extremely embarrassed of my multitudes of drawing hung up on the wall, I can't help but to take pride in myself every time I hear an "Aw!" or happy squeal come from upstairs. 

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