Chapter 8

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Sam's POV:

Hannah and I were sitting in a restaurant waiting for our orders to come. My hair was curled for the first time in my life. I had light makeup on and I thought that I looked beautiful... which was something I never said about myself. 

"Soooo Sam," Hannah started, "How old are you?" 

"I'm 17, but I'll be 18 soon," I replied. 

"Cool," Hannah said. "You are really pretty Sam."

"Thank you." I knew that Hannah was trying to warm me up by asking me easy questions, but I was still nervous. I didn't want to have another panic attack or worry her. 

"So where are you from? Have you lived in Bristol your whole life? Where were you born?" She asked.

"Um... I've lived in Bristol for about a year. I'm actually from America, New Jersey to be exact. I still haven't gotten completely used to the differences between here and there, so I'm pretty awkward." 

Hannah laughed. "So New Jersey, aye? There's that crazy show based off there, isn't there!?"

I burst out laughing. "It's nothing like that show! It's beautiful and woodsy, with lakes and ponds. I love it there!"

"Then why are you here?" She questioned.

I sucked in a deep breath. "My father had us move, my older brother and I." 

Hannah tilted her head to the side. "You have a brother?" 

I nodded. "Yes, but he's 19 now. He left as soon as he turned 18. I don't know where he went."

"Why would he leave as soon as it was his birthday?" Hannah asked. 

I shook my head side to side and began to shiver. My breathing got shallow, but Hannah noticed early. 

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Relax. Everything is okay." She came around to my side of the booth and wrapped her arms around me. 

"He... he abused me." I whispered.

"What!?" She yelped.

I cried into her arms. "He would punch me and kick me, beat me until I was unconscious. He called me names and told me I was worthless." I hiccuped. 

I felt calmer after telling her that, which I felt confused about. Even thinking about my father scared me, but talking to Hannah calmed me down. 

"You don't have to continue," Hannah said, pulling me very tightly in her arms. I could here her sniffling. 

"I want to, though," I told her. "My brother left because he couldn't watch him hurt me anymore. My father beat my brother when he was younger, but left him alone as he grew up. That's when he turned on me and started to hurt me. I ran away from him multiple times. But every time I would turn back because I couldn't survive on my own and had no money. He would break bones in my body when I returned, that was my punishment. I have never fully left him until this time. I was doing okay until it got cold. I tried to sleep on a park bench but I just couldn't stay outside any longer. So I ran to the nearest building, broke in, and fell asleep. That building just happened to be YogTowers," I took in a deep breath when I finished. I felt very tired after telling her everything and a little short of air. 

She just stared at me, pain and sadness in her eyes. Our food eventually arrived and we ate in silence, but she never let go of me. 

Hannah's POV: 

I can't believe what Sam is going through. I want to find her father and just scream. She's a wonderful girl, and spending the day with her made me realize that. She's smart, kind, and funny. She should have never had to deal with someone so cruel and evil. She deserves so much better. I want to help her so bad.  She's like the daughter I can never have...

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