Chapter 4

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Sam's POV:

"Sjin...!?" I manage to whisper. My head is spinning. I cant believe that I'm breathing the same air as one of my idols.

"Um yea, that's me. I take it as you are a fan?" He asks me, tilting his head to the side questioningly.

"Yes! You are one of my idols! Your "let's build" series is amazing and your singing is on point!" I screech.

He laughs a bit then asks, "You like my singing?"

I nod enthusiastically. "I watched the 2012 Christmas livestreams. When you sang I Believe in a Thing Called Love, I almost cried with happiness. It was fabulous!"

He blushes a bit and I laugh. We look at each other for a moment before we break into song.

"Ohhhh touching you-oo-o!"

"Ohhhh touching me-ee-e!"

"I believe in a thing called love-"

"What in the bloody hell is going on in here," a voice calls before the door opens.

We stop singing immediately before I notice the figure standing in front of me.

"Lewis Brindley! Otherwise known as Xephos! Oh my gosh, you are one of my idols." I squeal in excitement.

I stand there dumbly, just staring at Lewis and Sjin. To just be in the same room as them makes me want to explode with happiness. I'm nervous though, they are going to want to know why I'm here, which means I'm going to tell them about my father and explain how I broke into their office. I don't want to burden them.

"Uh-hello?" Lewis asks.

"Oh, uh, sorry. What did you ask?" My face is burning bright red with embarrassment.

Lewis sighs and Sjin giggles quietly in the background.

"I asked who you are and what you are doing here...? Lewis asks again.

My eyes widen and I start to breathe heavily. I don't want them to feel badly or think lowly of me.

"I-I... I'm sorry for coming here."

My knees start to buckle and I can't breathe that well. Images of my father flash through my mind and memories of getting rejected from my mother resurface from my memories.

"What's wrong with her!? Sjin screeches.

"I don't know!" Lewis yelps, "Are you okay?"

I nod slowly. "P-panic attack."

Sjin grows pale and Lewis gulps.

"What can we do to help?" They ask.

I hand Sjin my phone and tell him to call a the contact named Kay and explain to her whats going on.

He nods and begins to call while Lewis comes over to me and grabs my hand.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." He says.

I nod. "I'm sorry. "

He looks confused for a second. "Sorry for what?"

"For being here. Causing trouble." I answer.

He only sighs and pulls me into his lap as I shake uncontrollably and whimper.

"Shhhh, it's okay. Everything's okay."

Sjin walks over with my phone and hands it to me. "She's on the line."

Lewis pats my head and I take a deep breath and draw the phone to my ear.

"Hey Kaylee," I say.

"Hey Sam. Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine."

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