Chapter 18

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Sam's POV:

I can barely move, barely think. My father, who I'm now referring to as the Devil, is pulling me behind him. He's muttering all these curses and threats, which I'm ignoring. I honestly can't feel anything... it's like I'm dead. I think it's shock, but I can't be sure.

The Devil throws me into his beat up pickup truck and throws it into gear. I lurch forward as he speeds out of the parking lot. 

"So Sam, you thought you could just escape and then take me to court without any consequences? And who the hell were the losers thinking of "adopting" you? Some YouTube scumbags?" 

My fingers dig into my palms. 

"Those scumbags are some of the most popular YouTubers in the UK, known all over the world. Currently, they hold 6,000,000 subscribers and have a fan-base so big, it would take your scrawny ass down in a second." 

The Devil scoffs and rolls his eyes. "So these high-rollers wanted to adopt a stupid girl like you? Wow."

I sigh and lean back in the seat. "I can't wait to get home. I've got big plans for you," he says.

He's trying to intimidate me. The funny thing is, I'm not scared. I'm already broken. Lewis and Hannah along with the rest of the gang were the only people who made me feel wanted and safe. Without them... it's like part of me is ripped out. 

"I'm so excited," I say with a yawn.  "But I'm pretty tired, so can we hurry up the welcome back shit?" 

He makes a weird laughing noise and turns towards me. "What has got into you? You're like a little fireball." He laughs again then slaps me across the face. "Don't you dare disrespect me."

I trace my fingers over the burning hand-print on my face. It stings, but doesn't really hurt like it used to. I have an advantage over him this time. Hope and courage. I'm not scared of him anymore, and I've got hope. Hope that I'll be able to escape again, and find my real family. 


After about an hour of driving, we pull into our driveway. It's a bit terrifying to see the house where all my nightmares came true, where I was forced to endure so many hours of pain. 

I don't have any bags or luggage so I just unbuckle and hop out of the truck. The Devil pushes me inside and starts screaming at me. It's a bit funny to see him reacting so angrily towards me. He's spraying spit whenever he speaks and I began to giggle. 

"What the hell are you laughing at, you ungrateful bitch!?" 

"You-you're spraying spit everywhere. I mean, come on, say it, don't spray it!" I say, laughing heavily. 

He lets out an angry yell and kicks my feet, causing me to fall to the ground. "It's time for your punishment." 

He begins to kick me with such force that the air gets knocked out of me. I gasp for breathe, seeing stars in front of me. 

"You can't hurt me anymore," I manage to whimper. This infuriates him, and he picks me up swiftly, almost like I'm just a doll. 

"I'm one hundred percent sure I can hurt you, Samantha, just like I did to your mother."

My ears perk up and I hiss. "What the hell did you do to her!?" 

"Lots of things." He grabs a razor out of the bathroom and slashes up my leg. Blood oozes down and I whimper softly. It hurts a little, but not enough to cause me serious pain. I think I have built up an extreme pain tolerance. 

"Did that hurt?" He asks. 

"No," I manage to say. "I told you, you can't fucking hurt me!" 

"Then how about the stairs?" 

I let out a shaky sigh. The stairs... they used to hurt me the most. 

"Do it," I say.

I close my eyes and let myself drift into a dark space where I can't feel, can't move. I know that I have been thrown down the stairs when I feel a jolt, but I ignore it. "You can't hurt me," I say quietly, hoping he hears me. I hear a frustrated scream and smile. I've won. 

Lewis's POV:

I'm beyond pissed. Anger is swelling through me. I see Sam's father pulling her out of the room and hear Hannah screaming something at her. I can barely breathe. Hannah and I are pleading to the judge, but we can barely speak. Hannah is in tears and I'm just a mumbling madman. 

Simon is behind me, trying to be a liaison between the judge and I. "Listen, they love this girl. They know what she's been through. He abuses her!" He says. 

My heart breaks in two. We've let Sam back into his care.  I turn to see Sparkles* punching the wall, his knuckles bloody and red. Sjin is trying to calm him down but eventually sighs and falls into the nearest chair. Boy, we're a sight for sore eyes. I'm sure this is going to be leaked to our fans. Sure enough, I see a few cameras. 

"Damn," I mutter. 

Hannah is hysterical, crying on the floor. The judge looks very uncomfortable. 

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do to help you." 

I sigh and stare directly into the judge's eyes. "You'll be sorry next time you see her, I can promise you that." 

I pull Hannah off the floor and wrap my arms around her. Simon is trying to say calming things to her and we get Sjin. Sparkles* is still punching the wall and muttering incoherent things, most of which are curses. We manage to get him and get everyone into the car. 

Everyone is quiet for a moment. "Well, shit. We're gonna have to get her back," Simon says. 

"That's for damn sure," Sjin says. 

Sparkles*' POV:

Fuck. Fucking shit. Damn him. *punches wall* 

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