Chapter 9

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*****Hannah and Lewis are married in this story. They have been for a few years.

Hannah's POV:


"I just can't believe it Lewis. I want a child so bad! I'm never going to get to be a mother!" I cry to him. 

"Don't cry baby, we'll figure something out!" He tells me.

"NO! Don't you get it! I can't get pregnant! I can't have a baby! I can't! I just want a child, that's all I want!" I collapse on the floor in tears and my heart feels like it's breaking into a million pieces. Lewis sits down next to me and just holds me. 

"Hannah. I want a child just as much as you do. Don't you think I want to be a father? I love you with all my heart, and I want us to raise our own children, to watch them grow up as we grow old together," Lewis whispers to me. 

We sit on the floor together for a long time, just holding hands and thinking. 

"Le-lewis?" I ask.

"Yes Hannah?" 

"Can we adopt?" 


After talking with Sam at the restaurant, I brought her back to YogTowers and set her up in my office. I told her to do whatever she wants and to make herself comfortable. 

"LEWIS! Where are you!?" I screeched after leaving Sam in my office. 

"I'm in my office, recording!" He yelled back. 

I ran as fast as I could into his room and jumped into his arms. Then, I burst into tears. Simon and Duncan were in his office when I came in, so they looked very uncomfortable sitting next to me while I cried my eyes out. 

"Hannah? Are you okay? Don't cry sweetie!" Lewis told me as he wrapped his arms around me."Did the girl do something to you?"

"No! Of course not! Her name is Sam and she's the most wonderful girl I have ever met!" I whimpered. I began to cry even harder. At this point, Duncan and Simon rushed out of the room.

"Then, what's wrong?" He asked. 

That's when I told him everything Sam had told me. His face grew angry and he gripped my hand tightly. "How dare her father do that to her? She's just a child!" He roared. 

Everyone in the office heard him yell, and soon we were surrounded by Duncan, Simon, Turps, Sparkles, Kim, and a few others. Lewis began to explain what was going on while I sat there crying.

Sam's POV: 

Hannah left me in her office and told me to do whatever I wanted, so I decided to play some Minecraft. It's been a while since I've gotten on, and I really missed it. After a bit of playing, Sjin came into the room and sat down next to me. 

"Hi!" He said.

"Hey Sjin," I replied. 

" you have a name?" He asked.

"Oh-my-gosh! I forgot to tell you my name? I'm so sorry, it's Sam."

"Well hello again Sam. That's a nice house you've got there!" 

I laughed. "Please, don't feel like you have to lie! It's terrible. I wish I could build like you... you're pretty freaking amazing!" 

"Well thank you! You know, I could teach you a few things, if you want," Sjin said!

"Are you serious!?" I squeeled. "That's been one of my dreams ever since I started watching you! You're in my top five favorite Youtubers!" 

He smiled at me. "Then it would be an honor to teach you, Sam." 

I grinned happily and we began to play. 

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