Ch 42. Their love, seen.

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Hyunjin pov


What's he this hot for?

I thought he was the innocent baby-

And here he has me shirtless on the counter, thank god with my pants back on, just because he wanted to look at me.

How is he such a good dom though-

Bipolar hoe

"Hyunjinnie you're so beautiful" the younger stands behind me, his fingers tracing over my thigh while his lips press against my back.

"But baby, I'm sure you remember what you did to me?" I furrow my eyebrows and try to look at him. Jeongin walks around the counter so he's in front of me. He pulls his shirt off and turns around, showing the 'brat' that's still clearly visible on his back.

I bite my lip remembering what we did that night. "Yes.. I absolutely remember" tingles race through my stomach, thinking about where he might be going with this. "Well darling.."

"You marked me as what I am right?" He walks closer to me and connects our lips in a sweet kiss. "How about..." He pushes his sharp nails into my back, making me release a soft sound.

The younger grins and kisses me again "I make sure the score is equal?" During the kiss he pulls his fingers down my back, making me whine and tear up when they leave deep scratches. He moves his nails over the same lines several times to make sure they'll stay and hurt enough.

In my head I try to follow what he's writing. M... I... N?... E... Oh my god... Did he actually- Wait he's not done yet? Y? J..

I let out a soft cry and hold onto Jeongin. He kisses my neck and lets go of me. His thumb softly wipes away the tears that had fallen against my will. "Oh baby don't cry, that wasn't too bad was it?" His words sounded a bit mocking, as if he was making fun of my sensitivity. I'm SO getting revenge when he's sub and I'm dom again.

The smaller walks around me again, examining my back. "Not bad, considering I did it without looking. Not at all bad" his finger trace over the stinging lines his nails had left, making my breath fasten again.

"Baby I have something I want you to look at. Come on, follow me." He orders and I hesitated. I'm not just gonna listen to him am I?

"Hyun. Come over here. NOW." His voice left no place for debate so I get off the counter and follow him. He walks us to the office and motions for me to sit down on the big chair. I do and he leans over me, his shoulder against my head. A few clicks in the computer later he started the program with our camera footage. Why is he showing me the cameras? Wait- no he wouldn't!

"Look at this, Hyun" his hand moves under my chin, making me look up at the screen. My eyes move higher, trying my best to look at Jeongin's face instead of the computer. "Jeonginnie.. Can I have a kiss?" The boy looks down at me with a broad smile.

"Because you asked so nicely baby" he presses a loving kiss on my lips before facing back to the computer. He clicks a few things and the camera footage rewinds. I hesitantly look at the screen.

There it is.. In 5 different angles. I see how my face in the footage heats up and how my knees got weaker when Jeongin barely did anything. I see how I slowly allowed myself to get into sub. I see the way he looks at me, the way he touches me, everything again.

My eyes are glued to Jeongin's expression and body language on the screen. He's far too beautiful to be real.

Tingles shoot through my stomach and I move my hands in front of my face to hide from the sin I was watching. Jeongin however grabs both my wrists in one hand, slams them on the table and yanks my head up by my hair with his right hand. "Look at yourself darling~ do you see that expression? You looked so beautiful for me" I get red at the way he talks and lean my head back against his chest and shoulder.

"Innie... Why do I have to watch this" I softly mumble while he massages my scalp. "Because, darling, you looked so gorgeous and I want you to remember the expressions you made. The way you melted for me and the way you got shy~"

There's no point in denying now. "You're just... kind of intimidating like this... Of course I'd get shy.."

"Cutie~" he kisses my hair and together we silently watch the footage, Jeongin sometimes cooing about how pretty I look or how cute my reactions were. When it was over he kisses my neck. "Wait, baby. Try to remake that face" he giggles, clearly not serious. However I smile and press my tongue curled against my bottom lip, furrow my eyebrows let my eyelids lower asymmetrically and go slightly cross-eyed.

He bites his lower lip and caresses my face when I change my expression back to normal again, looking up at the boy towering over me while I still sit in the chair. "You.. You're amazing baby..." He connects our lips before stepping away.

"Now, shall we continue cleaning the shop? I'd rather not find cake in a corset in two weeks. C'mon babe"

I stand up slowly with widened eyes. I want to ask him.. Jeongin already leaves the office to start cleaning. I sigh and carefully get up. I grab a bucket, fill it with hot water and a bit of soap and grab a pack of paper towels.

Not great for the environment, but cake on the floor isn't great for my store either. I walk into the shop and see Jeongin carefully cleaning the ground around the counter.

I walk over to him and am almost there, but slip on I don't even know what. I stumble a little but manage to regain my balance. I crouch next to the boy and softly speak "innie..."

He doesn't look up and I frown, softly pushing against his leg with both hands. "Inniee~" the younger looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "What is it baby?"

"Be my boyfriend?"

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