Ch 41. Their love, spoken~

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twice as long as usual...
I could've split it into two chapters but didn't feel like changing it.
Jeongin pov

The "freedom celebration" has been going in the shop for nearly 3 hours, and now the guys were moving on to a club. They did offer Hyunjin and me to join, but we both didn't. Hyunjin explained it's because he had to clean up the shop and work early tomorrow. He truly has changed a lot from how he was a few years back...

I didn't go because I didn't feel like it, have work tomorrow, want to stay with Hyunjin and my mom might kill me. When the guys left I dodge the fallen cake and other party stuff and trip slightly, falling on Hyunjin.

"Hey Hyunjinnie, I fell for you again" I chuckle and stand up straight. Hyunjin's hands move to my waist. "From heaven right into my arms" he grins. I wrap my arms around his neck while I pull us behind the counter, the elder's hips against the edge of the dark wood.

"I love you too Hyunjinnie♡" I press a soft kiss against his lips and lean forward so our bodies touch. He smiles brightly and buries his face in my neck "thank you so much kitten.. I love you more though"
"Noo I love you morer!"
"I love you the morest"

I laugh softly and kiss his hair. This is sweet and innocent. Let's not ruin it. Just keep it innocent.

I want to tease him.
I'll just brat for a short bit.
Nothing extreme or big.

I wiggle my hips against him a little, just enough to have Hyunjin snap his head up and grab my lower waist to keep me still. I look up at the man with a small smile. "What is it boss? Something wrong?" The elder slowly removed his hands off my waist and leaned back with his hands on the counter.

"Hmm no, everything's perfectly fine. I was just thinking about how you only stopped feeling sore last night and how much of a pity it'd be to already ruin that." He smiles cutely at me and I feel a bit of doubt.

Not enough to make me stop though. I pin my hands on each side of the elder and lean forward. "Ah and we both know how much I'd mind that" I stop moving when I was about two inches away from him. My eyes travel from his eyes to his lips, his eyes, his crotch, his lips and his eyes.

"We should get to cleaning or we'll be here until 2 AM" my boss says but doesn't move a finger. I nod and slightly tilt my head to the side while I lean a little closer "hmmhm we should."

"Jeonginnie come on" the elder mutters softly while he stares at my lips. "I'm not stopping you from going somewhere Hyun. You can easily push away my hands." I laugh softly and move my lips over his neck. "Since when do you have this confidence baby?'

I shrug "you awakened the true gay? I don't know. And I'm kind of sugar- and partyhigh at the moment so maybe it's because of that. Do you mind?" I kiss his neck and move my tongue over it, making him tilt his head to the side in reflex.

"No.. Not at all but it just surprised me a bit. You're usually more.. Held back? Shy subby? Remember at Jinyoung and Jb's during the movie? You got so shy when I merely grabbed your hips to stop you from giving me a boner in public during an old Western. I'm not saying this isn't good! It's just different"

"Why? Because now I could get YOU shy? I wonder if I could.." I smile, kiss him and move my right hand off the counter and onto his waist. I'm not going to be dom, I'm just gonna take the lead. And try to get Hyunjin embarrassed even though we're all alone.

"Try to get me shy, I fuckin dare you." Hyunjin huffs softly, probably expecting me to brush it off as a joke. "Alright, if that's what you want sir" I kiss his lips and neck, the warmth of the soft skin radiating through my own.

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