ch. 12 their love, loose

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(A/n, I forgot to say this earlier, but please comment lots so I know what readers like! I love seeing your reactions, but of course don't force anything. I'm super glad people read my crap at all, thank youuu! Now back to the story, YEET) 

Jeongin pov

He called me that name while everyone was looking at me. His look was dark and the way he pulled me back to him made me feel something I can't quite place.

Hyunjin softly taps my arm "Innie? Are you okay? You've been biting that straw for 5 minutes now"

"I-  OH oh yeah I'm good! I was just wondering when Channie and Lix will be here"

He nods and taps my head "they'll be here soon enough kid"

"How did you two get so comfortable together in only one day" Jinyoung asks looking us up and down.

"When I just met Hyunjinnie he was super shy and nervous after knowing each other for a few weeks, and here he is with you" he chuckles, receiving a frown from Hyunjin

"Go eat your own ass Jinyoung. Innie is just easily likeable and chill. You don't give off as much of a relaxed flowy vibe. Besides you were like my senior back then, of course I'd be careful" he sighs

Jackson laughs a cute villainous laugh "moe ha ha ha, you did like ME right away, right Hyun?"

"Did you just actually SAY moe ha ha ha?" Yugyeom questions
"Hell yes I did" Jackson proudly says, crossing his arms and sticking his nose in the air.

"Gays, pretty boys approaching!" Jaebum announced

"Oh that's gotta be Lixie and Chan, they'd be here early!" I jump up and run to the window,  indeed spotting Felix and his boyfriend.

"Shall I open the door?" I ask with a big smile, getting a nod and a "yeah sure" from Jb.

"LIXIEEEEE! CHAAAAAAAN!" I call out to them when they reach the porch, and   run towards them.

I jump hug Chan who catches me with open arms "hey baby" he taps my head with a dad-like smile

I hug Felix who flinches slightly. I turn my head to Chan who quietly shakes his head and mouths a "don't ask" at me.

I do as told and just let it be. I lead the boys in who are welcomed by the enthusiastically talking friends, previously in a heated conversation about whether you should add the boiling water or the seasoning first when making 3 minute noodles.

Everyone but Hyunjin introduces themselves. Hyunjin just opens his arms, non-verbally asking me to cuddle with him again, which I happily answer by hopping in between his legs again.

He puts his arms around my shoulders. "And this is Hyunjin, my boss" I tell Chan who quietly looks Hyunjin up and down.

A soft "damn" leaves Chan's lips, making us look up at him

"Eh? What do you mean with damn?" I ask him, locking eyes.

Chan grins "well my Lixie told me your colleague was pretty hot and you guys were already chill with each other," he chuckles "both of those were more true than I had expected"

I look at Felix, but he just smiled.

Hyunjin leans his head on mine "thank you for thinking I'm hot I guess?"

Youngjae speaks up from his corner of the couch, leaning on the armrest. "Hyunjin please, people are either blind  or mentally deficient if they DON'T (secretly) think you're hot"

Hyunjin chuckles and turns my face by my chin "is that true Innie? Do you maybe think I look hot?"

I don't know how to react but I might as well be honest. Besides everyone in the room seemed to agree, so I shrug softly and nod "sure, you are very beautiful"

He softly giggles, lets go of my face and hugs me tight. "Cute" Felix mumbles and leans against Chan.

"Chan, Felix, your accents, where are you from?" He says with a smile.

"Oh we're from..." They look at eachother with a big grin before yelling in perfect unison " 'STRALIAA"

I smile and look at my friends, they're such weirdo's but I love them even more for it.

Hyunjin smiles widely "Nice to meet you both, I'd love to go to Australia sometime. It's a very interesting country"

Felix suddenly looks serious, but tooo serious, making me suspect he's going to be dramatic again. He starts talking in his low growly voice and points his index finger at the man holding me "Okay Hyunjin, you better take good care of our baby Jeonginnie, and even though you're hot and my spine might've been shattered," Chan shrugs with a smug grin "I will not hesitate to shove my foot down your throath and a knife up your ass if you hurt him in any way, understood?"

Hyunjin takes Felix's finger between his middlefinger and thumb and smiles brightly "Don't worry, I'll teach him lots and make sure he's alright for as long as he works with me and is my friend." 

"You'd better" Felix sassily turns his head away and Chan hits him against his ass with a flat hand. "Don't sass so much at someone you've just met baby, he's gonna think you're not the soft baby you are."

Felix's nose and cheeks gradually fade to a pretty color red and he softly shoves away Chan's hand "Am not" 

I giggle and touch his feet with my toes, poking him in the ankle "Yes you are Lixie" 

"Whatever. Jisung and Mainhoe will be here in a bit by the way, they're gonna come earlier than they originally said." The younger Australian changes the subject.

I nod and motion for them to sit down. Chan sits down with his legs crossed, Felix next to him with his legs over the elder's lap. The bleach blonde put his arm around the orange haired boy's back, softly caressing it.

"Oh so NOW you're careful with my back?" Felix huffs with faked annoyance.

"Shut up angel" Chan sighs and squeezes his side.

"Try me. I didn't shut up while sucking your dick so neither will I now." Felix darkly chuckles, making Mark snort.

"Baby these guys are almost as shameless as you are" He nudges Jackson's shoulder, receiving a smile and eyebrow wiggle "Fun amairight?"

"Oh if you think this is shameless you should meet Jisung!" I grin, and the Aussies nod in agreement

"I can't wait, he sounds awesome!" Bambam speaks up for the first time in a bit, making us look at him to see him laying on his boyfriends, in Yugyeom's arms and his legs over and against Youngjae. 

"The amount of gay in this room is astonishing and admirable" Jinyoung shakes his head while searching music on his phone.

"Truth or dare anyone?" I call out, grabbing everyone's attention.

"HEELL YEAH MATE" Felix yells, sitting up quickly.

Too quickly apparently, because his face morphed in pain "Want something against the pain kid?" Jaebum asks with a grin "We've got plenty useful painkillers"

Felix looks at Chan, who sighs, looks the boy up and down and quietly nods at Jaebum "You'd think you would be somewhat used to it by now angel" Chan chuckles, kissing Felix's freckled nose.

"Shut up kangaroo" 

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