Ch 11. their love, hot~

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Changmin bonus chapter

Kinda nsfw
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Changbin pov

I'm laying on the cold floor with my boyfriend.

Our fingers are intertwined while we try to catch out breath.

My back against the cold floor makes me shiver, I feel drops of sweat drip down my bare chest.

I look at the boy next to me, who's looking at the ceiling with teary eyes and slightly parted lips.

 Everything about the boy is beautiful to me, from his chubbier left cheek to his puppy eyes and how he (annoyingly) is taller than me and all other things about his.

 I watch his chest raise and fall rapidly and smile when he turns to me.

"That... That was amazing..." My adorable boyfriend says while squishing my hand a bit.

"It was, I'd want a round four if we didn't have a party to attend" I smile and slowly sit up " 'cmon puppy, lets get us cleaned up"

"I-I don't know if I can stand Binnie" My baby says while leaning on his elbows, sitting up a bit with a tired look on his face.

I smile and take a step towards him, picking him up bridal style. His chest was red from our earlier actions and he was still catching his breath. 

I shove a chair back in it's original place with my foot while I carry Seungmin to the bathroom.

When I put him down a string falls off his shoulder and his hair feels damp from sweat and some other fluid. We both feel sticky and a bit gross, but that's just the price one has to pay.

I ruffle his hair when I put him down on the stool we had in the bathroom and turn on the shower. 

When the water is warm enough I strip my baby of the special suit he was wearing over his lower body before stripping myself of the last pieces.

I pull us under the shower and grab shampoo to wash our hair. Seungmin leans into my touch "Cover your eyes baby" he does as I say while I thoroughly wash his hair, getting rid of any stray substance that may be in it.

I look at the bathroom floor and see a trail of red "This... It's going to be one hell of a job to clean everything in the house up properly" I sigh and shake my head.

"If you don't want to clean this much we should be less wild. We've tried that before and it's no fun, you know that just as well as I do babe" Seugmin speaks up with a grin.

I feel something sticky in his hair "I didn't know it went into your hair this much"

He giggles, still keeping his eyes covered "Your fault."

"Baby I didn't MEAN to shoot it into your hair"

"It was a perfect headshot though, don't feel so guilty about it"

"But the thing is that I'M the one that has to clean it up puppy"

He giggles again, quickly regretting it because he got soap in his mouth, spitting around.

"You usually swallow, this is new" I grin looking at him struggle.

I grab the showerhead and wash out his hair.

"Okay I think all the spaghetti and sauce stains are out of your hair"

"Maybe we shouldn't do spaghetti competitions midweek."

"What's the fun in that puppy, these things should be spontaneous, not planned."

"So you're telling me you weren't planning on completely destroying my hitstreak when you came running at me with a 6 litre sauce pan filled with spaghetti and red sauce and a huge ladle?"

"Well okay, that WAS planned."

"And while I ran away to put on my spaghetti pants you hit me in the back of my head with a spoonful. That's a nasty trick babe" I grin and shrug.

"Oops" I get some soap and wash the remaining stains off his body.

"My tuuurn" he said while running a hand through his hair.

I kiss his nose and he starts washing my hair.

I put my hands around his waist and pull him closer "I love you puppy, even though I threw the spaghetti at you before warning" 

He hums and softly pulls at my hair, slightly catching me off guard "I love you more babe" I kiss him while he removes the shampoo from my hair.

He leans forward a bit and pushes me against the shower wall "Baby, weren't you tired a few seconds ago?" He starts kissing my neck

"I was, not anymore though" He sucks a hickey on my neck, placed around the middle of the big muscle on the left side.

He slowly moves lower, placing kisses and hickeys all over my torso. 

"Did you seriously just write an 'S' on my chest?"

"Yes I fucking did now shut up and let me do my thing." 

"Watch your tone puppy"

"WaTcH yOuR ToNe mAsTeR" He mocks me with a cheeky grin, moving down to my stomach.

I raise an eyebrow and grab his hair, pulling his face up to my level.

"What was that?" I say with a low voice, knowing the effect it could have on him.

His face becomes red but he doesn't look away from me. "That was me, what about it?"

"Don't be a brat with me now babyboy." I smirk slightly, pushing him down on his knees.

I put my feet on his thigh, keeping him on the hard ground. I pull on his hair so I can see his pretty face, making his whimper.

"Is this what you were after? Did you want to be reminded of your place?"

I pulled his head back harshly making him arch his back and lean back. "well? Why don't you answer me?"

"N-no I just wanted.. I just wanted to see how you'd...react" I chuckle, knowing very well that Seungminnie usually isn't bratty at all, meaning someone told him to try this.

"And who gave you the idea puppy?" 

He stays silent. I loosen my grip on his hair a bit and bend down a bit "Baby? Who told you to try being a little brat?"

He looks up at me with his beautiful puppyeyes "J-Jisung" 

Why isn't this a surprise

"Well you can tell him how it went after I'm done with you yeah?"

He quietly nods making me smile, he's so sweet.

"But baby, you do know what this got you right?" I put pressure on his thigh again.

"Yes master... A punishment..." He whimpers softly. I caress his cheek, rubbing the cheekbone with my thumb. He melts into my touch and closes his eyes.

"Hmmhm" I see he's distracted and move my foot to his crotch, putting slight pressure on it. His eyes widen and he takes a sharp breath in.

I chuckle and pull his hair to get his face closer to my member, seeing his eyes go from my face to my dick. His face heats up and his breath quickens. Seungmin has given me many blowjobs before, but his gagreflex is pretty strong so he always has a bit of trouble with it.

"You know what to do puppy" I grin and let my head rest against the wall when my boyfriend's hands touch me,  and I feel his breath against my dick.

"Oh and darling?" I raise his head by his grabbing his chin "This is the easiest part for you." 

His eyes widen before he nods and shifts his attention back to my dick, carefully putting his lips against the tip, clearly preparing himself to do his best.

I close my eyes and lean back again.

Thanks Jisung, I owe you.

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