Ch 37. Their love, regret

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Hyunjin pov

I grin when I walk out of the room. It's way too much fun to tease him. For breakfast I'll just make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I guess? I don't know exactly what Jeongin wants but he probably likes th-

My thoughts are ever so rudely interrupted by a hand pushing me against the wall roughly. The scratches on my back harshly press against the wall "Oh fuck- holy hell that stings" when I open my eyes properly I see a slightly annoyed- probably very pissed off- Woojin keeping me pressed against the wall.

"Care to explain the shit load of noise that kept me awake yesterday?" He hisses through his teeth, careful not to be loud. Every single word he said was lined with such a thick amount of Evil Warlord energy that I doubted if I'm going to leave this wall whole. Despite the lingering danger I grin and lay my arms around his neck in a nearly flirty way.

If there's a chance of escaping this safely, this is the most likely solution. Just act sweet and be honest. I can do this. "What noise Woojinnie?" I pull him a bit closer by his neck, making him frown. "I'm quite sure that you know exactly what noise, hoe. You know how I get when I'm tired and therefore I shall not be held accountable for certain possible consequences that might occur when a certain someone keeps me awake for hours."

He speaks with a smile, yet his hold on my shoulder and collarbone tightens. "Woojin, sweetheart, let's not do anything we -you- might regret later alright?" I press myself harder against the wall, if possible, and lower myself slightly under Woojin's glare. "As if I'd regret this" the elder presses his elbow into my stomach, making my body want to fold but because or the hold on my shoulder it can't.

"Now, do you want to clarify what you did to my baby or shall I go into your room to check and make my own conclusions?" My eyes widen and I silently wish Jeongin has a shirt on, just in case. "E-ehm how much do you want to know?" I awkwardly mumble while my hands travel from his shoulders to his wrist, trying to slightly loosen his by now painful hold.

"Well seeing the hickeys and scratch marks I can very well guess the base of it. I just want to know what you did to my sunshine and in what state he is." Woojin's eyelids seem to glitch for a second and his eyes are dark. A sigh escapes my lips before I straighten my back and look his directly in the eyes with a confident smirk. I know very well that this might cost me my dick but it's worth it. I will not cower before some, very scary when angry, man just because he's stronger and clearly in the lead.

"As you've already seen we fucked, as you heard I made him scream and cry, as you know I give people what they deserve. Need more information?" I smirk when I see Woojin's eyes widen in surprise for a moment. "You're fucking unbelievable."

The door down the hall opens and in a splitsecond Woojin has let go of me and is instead walking towards Jeongin, who is (thank god) wrapped in the big blanket and is wearing shorts. "Ah, good morning Woojin~♡ what were you doing? You okay Hyunjinnie?" He pulls the blanket tighter around himself and receives Woojin's hug.

"Good morning sweetheart~♡, slept well?" Woojin kisses the boy's hair before 'casually' walking back to me. Jeongin giggles and cuddles into the blanket "uhm, as you've undoubtedly heard, not very long. Hyunjin is comfy though so I slept well." The corner of Woojin's upturned lips falters for a second but soon he smiles brightly at the younger "in that case you should get back into bed baby. Hyunjin will make breakfast so go lay down for a bit more"

"Alright bearbro♡ Oh Woojinnie!" Jeongin flashes me a quick smirk and I see the well known sparkle in his eyes. Fuck. Is he gonna get revenge because of the teasing? Not now Innie, please not now. The younger smiles widely at Woojin "Hyunjin got me new bracelets!"
The elder laughs softly "that's lovely sunshine, are they pretty?"
Jeongin nods enthusiastically "oh yes! Very."

"What do they look like?"
The younger sticks his arms out of the blanket to reveal his bruised wrists and on his finger dangles yesterday's handcuffs. He holds the handcuffs up to show both those and his wrist more. "Hyunjin's fingerprints, for one." Jeongin blows me a kiss and after that walks into the bedroom, the cuffs still sassily hanging from his index finger. "This brat-"

I don't get a chance to finish my sentence for the back of Woojin's fist hits my dick, making me drop to the floor. "You are so fucking lucky he liked it otherwise you'd be DEAD now, you realize that?" He nearly growls while he towers over me. "Yes honeybear, understood." I manage to speak in a choked voice. He softly taps his foot against my leg.  "Hmhm, sure you did."

I force myself to smirk slightly through the pain and look at him while my head rests on the floor. "I have... no regrets...".
Woojin chuckles a bit but walks away, shaking his head. "Of course you don't. Now get your ass up and make breakfast for the little gumdrop. Love ya bye" and with that he closes the door to his room behind him.

A short moment later I hear soft footsteps from my room and Jeongin's smiling face hangs above me. "Look at it positively, you're not dead" he giggles and walks around me before sitting down on my thighs. "Hmhm" I mumble, still holding my dick through my pants. That hurt like shit. Death would probably be a lot less painful. On the other hand... Death caused by Woojin... Jeongin leans over and kisses me. "I'll go make breakfast for us sir, you recover for a bit"

He gets off me and walks away surprisingly- and annoyingly- easily. He does walk a bit awkwardly but if you didn't know he had pain you wouldn't guess it. After a while I get up off the floor slowly to see my kitten in the kitchen grabbing cereal. He's wearing black shorts and one of my pink shirts. I silently walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist and shoulders. I bury my face in his neck and softly blow against the skin making the younger giggle and squirm.

Absolutely no regrets.

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