Ch 36. their love, alright

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Hyunjin pov

Jesus I'm fucking melting... It's summer so that's reasonable but why is it actually burning?

I open my eyes and realize the naked younger in my arms is the reason it's this hot and the burning is caused by the red scratches on my chest and stomach. I look at Jeongin with a smile while I bury my face in his hair.

He took the punishment quite well I'd say. I chuckle softly and trace my finger over the boy's back, the smooth skin decorated by the word 'brat' written in scratches and cuts. I bite my lip, clearly remembering last night. How did I ever get this lucky? He doesn't believe me, but to have met him... It really was and is a blessing.

A soft kiss on his head and a look at his beautiful sleeping face makes me realize, again, how much I already love the boy. It also makes me realize it's already light outside. The light shines into my room through the window. Wait... Oh my god... The blinds and curtain were open all night... Please, please, PLEASE tell me the neighbors were asleep.

I shake the awkward feeling and glance at the clock. It's 11:28 and Jeongin is sound asleep, his face buried in my neck. I'll just stay in bed for a bit longer. Do I do that because I want to cuddle with my baby for longer? Yes, yes I do. Do I also do that because this way I don't have to face Woojin and contemplate what flowers and sandwiches I want at my funeral yet? Yes, ABSOLUTELY.

My phone's notification went off. As slowly and carefully as possible to not wake up Jeongin I reached for the device. A message from Jackson.

[j. WaNg fr cHiNA]
|hey dicknoodle
|where did you leave the box with el. nip clamps?
|can't find it

Bug off hoedog|
Behind the counter|
Now get to work and let me rest in peace|

[j. WaNg fr cHiNA]
|You're in bed?
|usually you'd be up now, making 3 minutes noodles

{Picture attached}

[j. WaNg fr cHiNA]
|Are we sure he's human?
|it shouldn't be physically possible to look that cute while sleeping.
|what's that on his back?

Do you mean the hickeys, the scratchmarks or the cuts?|

[j. WaNg fr cHiNA]
|wait didn't it bother Woojin?

It most likely did|

[j. WaNg fr cHiNA]
|you're fucked

I'm fucked|
But so is Jeongin so...|
Worth it|
Oh shit he moved|

[j. WaNg fr cHiNA]
|c u mate, enjoy

Have fun with the nippleclamps|

[j. WaNg fr cHiNA]
|they're not for me sagtit
|not right now that is


[j. WaNg fr cHiNA]
|love you too princess

Do not fucking call me that or I will actually chop off your testicles, fry them and feed them to you as snack with camomile-liquorice tea.|

[j. WaNg fr cHiNA]
|so you'll touch my dick if I call you princess?

That's a rather good idea|

[j. WaNg fr cHiNA]

I swear on Lord Park Jinyoung that I will never come near your dick again if you call me princess |

[j. WaNg fr cHiNA]
|no more princess
|got it Sir.

If you want to play it this way|
One more word and I will tell Mark about you and Bambam at the party two months ago|

{j. WaNg fr cHiNA went offline}

Pussy. Jeongin moves again and his lips brush over my neck. I hear he takes a deep breath in. Suddenly something tickles my waist, making me spasm slightly and hold the cause of the feeling tightly against me.

The younger giggles and kisses my neck before mumbling a soft "morning Hyunjinniee" making me smile. "Good morning baby, slept well?"

He nods but pulls a pout "I did! But now I'm in paaaaaaaain" Jeongin dramatically lets himself drop flat on his back on the bed with a hand raised to his forehead. I also roll over, now hanging over the smaller. "You don't seem THAT hurt anymore kitten" I smirk while he leans up and dodge his lips by pushing up slightly.

"My ass stings a lot but that's quite alright. The other erhm... bonuses I don't mind in the least." Jeongin smiles and drops back in the cushions. Before I realize what's happening he harshly pulls me down by my neck so my arms give in and I lay on top of him. That, just for a kiss. "Kitten you could've just asked me for a kiss"

He shrugs and after another kiss he grins "yeah, and you could've just asked me to stop being annoying last night, but we both know we wouldn't have listened because it's just so much more fun to not do it and see the other's reaction."

I smile and press a last deep kiss on the younger's lips. "Hungry?" I trace my left pinky finger over his defined cheekbone. Jeongin raises a challenging eyebrow and the naughty sparkle returns to his eyes. "Depends on what kind of hungry you mean" his hands trace over my back, making me shiver slightly. I sigh and kiss his neck softly before, with my face still in his neck, saying "only just lost his virginity and already this nasty.. What have I turned you into baby..."

The younger laughs softly. His right hand moves to my hair while the left was wrapped around my waist. He lets out a soft, throaty sound when my teeth slightly touch his skin. My hand slides from his shoulder, my thumb running over his collarbone, down his waist and over the easily noticable hipbone. I let my hand move closer to his member while I softly bite the smaller's neck. Then however I wink at him and quickly get off the bed, put on sweatpants and open the door.

"So, breakfast?"
"Fucking tease"

Try-out|| Y.Jeongin x H.HyunjinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang