ch 17. their love, intoxicated

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Jeongin pov

Bambam, Yugyeom and Youngjae are still upstairs. I doubt if they're going to come down here this evening at all.

Chan's head is in Felix's lap, who plays with his hair. Seungmin has his head on Changbin's knee, Jackson is having a makeoutsession with Mark, Jb has his arm around Jinyoung and the two of them are talking with Hyunjin.

Hyunjin... He's got one arm around my back, his hand on my hip and the other hand is softly stroking my thigh.

I don't really want to admit it, but he makes me feel something I can't really place. On one hand I want to cuddle with him, watch movies, just talk and lay around, but on the other hand I want to do the things Jisung and Minho have told me about.

When he only looks at me I feel my heart beat faster and I get nervous, yet it's so nice to be close to him and cuddle with him and feel his hands on me and-

"Innie, I saw you didn't like beer, we have other things you might like more?" Jb crouches in front of me and takes my hands. "I won't give you any stronger stuff because you're our baby and you have work tomorrow, but I trust Hyunjin will also look out for you."

I get up and he walks me to the kitchen, still holding my hand. "We have wine, do you like that?"
"It's alright"
"hmm we have premade mojito?"
"Never tried it"

He hands me a glass and puts a bit of the white-ish drink in. I take a tiny sip and I honestly like it quite a lot.

"It's nice!"
"This one I sweeter and a bit less strong than the ones you can get at an actual bar.  If you like the sweeter drinks you might like this."

He pulls out a bottle with a yellowy, clear fluid. "It's mead. Also called honeywine. Its quite sweet but has some tingly spices in there"

I again try a sip and it's really tasty "oehh I like that one a lot"
"Again this is the version with less alcohol but for now that's perfect."

He fills my glass, pats my head and walks back to the others, again holding my hand. This time Hyunjin was talking to Changbin about something and didn't notice I'm back already so didn't open his arms.

I softly push his hands off his lap and sit down myself, the arm I wasn't holding my drink with wrapped around his shoulders.

I hear Chan's warm voice from Felix's lap "What do you have there baby?"
"Mmnot a baby."
"It's mead, honeywine" Jb explains

"Better be the low alcohol kind"
"Yeah yeah, no worries, I wouldn't drug our new baby with strong drinks, a bit of trust mate"

Hyunjin's hands moved to my hip and inner thigh making me shiver slightly. Meanwhile he just continued his conversation with Changbin.

Jackson had stopped eating his boyfriend's face a short moment ago and suddenly called out "JEONGINNN"

He slightly startles me, yelling out of nowhere like that and I feel Hyunjin tighten his grip. "Holy shi- yes Jackson?"

"Tttruth orr dARe?!" He yells, clearly intoxicated. I look around him and spot 6 EMPTY BOTTLES. When did he drink those?!

"I uhmmm.. Dare?"
"I dare you to chug your drink."
"He. Will. Not." Hyunjin covers the top of my glass with his hand to stop me in case I was going to.

Jackson whines "why noooott"
"Because he is a lightweight, you're drunk, he has work tomorrow and I can't let him get any further than tipsy and after chugging this glass he would be startup drunk." Hyunjin sternly sums up and kisses my neck.

I giggle "don't worry Hyunjinnie I won't chug it. Jackson, give me a truth instead."

"Pfft hmmkay.... Do you have a crush and if so tell us about them" he sighs and leans back against Mark.

Do I?
I'm not sure.. Maybe a bit..
Maybe a lot... But I can't be sure yet, I haven't known him for that long...

"I uhm... I'm not sure. I might? But I'll have to see him more to properly figure it out. That's all I'll say for now" I hug Hyunjin closer and he buries his face in my neck.

"Oh MY I wonder who it is" Seungmin says with the most sarcastic tone he could manage.

"Shall we like, watch a movie or something?" Mark proposes after Jackson flops down on him, the bleach blonde laying on Mark's chest.

"Sure, which one though?"
"Why not 'The good, the bad and the ugly' ?" Chan says while staring up at his boyfriend.

"Sure sounds good" Jinyoung puts it on and everyone gets comfy on the mattresses that were spread out on the floor by Jb. Everyone honestly still sits the exact same, but now on a mattress instead of the floor.

There's an empty mattress by my feet but I don't want to move from Hyunjin's lap and he doesn't seem to feel the need to move either so we just stay like this.

I sip at my drink and when Jinyoung turns off the lights for a better cinema mood I feel Hyunjin's hand shift from my hip to my ass while he lays back against the beanbag.

I move a tiny bit in his lap until I'm sitting directly on his dick. It wasn't my original plan, I just wanna be comfy but I mean this works as well.

The film starts and we all yell along to the old country wild west intro music. (A/n if you don't know this movie, SHAME! DISHONOR! DISHONOR ON YOU! DISHONOR ON YER FAMILY! DISHONOR ON YER COW!)

I snort when the first scene starts with some guy' head. with huge ears, sliding into screen in an awkwardly close closeup. Honestly this whole movie is awkward, with it's silences, wind noises and interestingly timed music. But I love it nonetheless.

I move around on the elder's lap slightly and he sits up with a smirk "kitten you're distracting me already with just being you, this," he squeezes my butt "isn't helping" I nod and stop moving.

I shift again and feel a hit on my butt. Luckily it was during a shooting so no one really seems to notice, but I feel my face heat up "s-sorry" I mumble while the dark haired rubs the spot.

"It's alright kitten, you're just making it very hard for me to focus on the movie" he kisses my neck while he still held onto my ass.

I nod and he squeezes my thigh, his nails digging into my skin "use that pretty mouth for words kitten"

"Y-yes sir, I'll sit still.."

"That's a good kitten" he bites my neck for a moment before leaning back again, his hands still in place.

Why did I like the feeling of that hit.. And his nails and teeth.. And when he praises me I feel my heart flutter.. Fuck, what's this man doing to me..

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