Ch 22. their love, exposed

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Hyunjin pov

He actually just said that! So cute!

I hear my phone's notification sound. I open it and look at the new message.

|I'm coming home tomorrow
|you better get food ready for when I arrive~♡

Yah, fcking asshat|
Don't just demand things like that|
... |
Fried chicken?|

|love you
|also how's that new employee you told me about?

He's lovely and a fast learner|
Apparently you know him|

|who is it?

Ahh sorry bro|
Gotta blast|
See you tomorrow|

|little shit
|love you bye

"Idiot" I softly mumble before walking over to Jeongin to help him put something on a high shelf and quickly hug him.

Time skip to end next day

I just turned off the lights and the electronics in the shop and hold Jeongin's hand while walking out of the shop. I lock the doors and press a soft kiss on the younger's lips.

"Do you have something to do tonight?" I look into his bright eyes while swaying our hands back and forth. "Nothing in particular, why?"
"Wellll, Woojin is coming home this evening and I thought maybe you want to join us for dinner? Just fried chicken and soft drinks, nothing special. If you want to you can sleep over as well?"

He looks like he's thinking for a moment before nodding "can we go to my house first so I can pick up and drop some things?"
"Course! And we'll get chicken on our way" I smile and we walk to the bus stop. When we sit down the younger leans against me with his back while grabbing a mirror and opening a tiny pocket in his bag.

He pulls out primer, concealer, foundation, setting powder, mattifying powder, a makeup sponge and several brushes. I raise an eyebrow and don't understand why he's gathering them now but then he points at the hickeys I left. "Mom" is all he says before getting to work.

"Ah" I nod and watch him apply everything with care. "You missed a spot, there" I tap on the not covered part.
"Oh, thanks!" The younger fixes it and checks in the mirror to see if he missed anything else.

"Okay so uhm.. Are there things I should or should not say?" I rest my folded hands on my right knee, my legs crossed. After applying the mattifying powder and checking if there's major color differences or messy spots Jeongin puts away the makeup and mirror. He lays his head back on my shoulder.

"Uhmm... Just... Nothing about us being... Ehm... Anything different from normal colleagues and slight friends I guess? Besides that nothing specific. I know you haven't heard many positive things about her but she's really quite alright." He shrugs while his cheeks hint a slight pink.

The bus stops and we get out. Instead of holding his hand I put the hand that wasn't holding my bag into my pocket. I'm nervous.. Wait why am I nervous? I'll only see his family for a short moment while he gets his stuff. I subconsciously check if my clothes look okay- there's a pen stain on my pants.. I should button up my shirt higher... These shoes are a bit dirty-

"Relax Hyunjinnie you look fine" the boy nudges my arm and brightly smiles at me. "What- I wasn't- why would I-" I awkwardly smile and ramble. I look away, only to feel a hand on my neck, pulling me towards him again. He presses his lips against mine and the hand that was on my neck moves to my shoulder softly. I lean into the kiss slightly and place my right hand on his waist while my left is still holding my bag.

I pull him closer and smile into the kiss before breaking it. "Thanks kitten, that helped me relax" I chuckle and kiss him one more time. My hand moves back to my pocket and we continue walking.

When we reach his house I take a deep breath and change my face from a slight (WHIPPED) smile to a more neutral expression. He opens the door and walks in "WAZAAAAAA AM HOME!" He yells into the house while holding the door open for me.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEY BRO" a cheerful, I think younger boy's voice booms with the same volume.
"Little gobshite- don't yell so loudly!" A deeper, older boy's voice sounds, a lot softer and slightly annoyed.

A kind looking woman walks into the hallway and hugs Jeongin, pressing two kisses on his cheeks "hey sundrop, how was work? And who's this?" She looks at me with a soft smile.

"This is Hyunjin, my boss, colleague, new friend and the guy the party was with, remember? The one where you told me you'd turn me into Rapunzel if it were an orgy." The younger chuckles "oh and work was fine. Anyways, apparently Hyunjin lives with Woojinnie and he's coming home today so I'm staying over there tonight. We're getting fried chicken to celebrate he's back!"

"That's lovely! Say hello to Woojin for me yeah?" She smiles and Jeongin runs upstairs to get his stuff. Jeongin's mom turns to me "so you're the owner of the... Erh... The..." She struggles to find the appropriate word. "The 'sex shop', yeah.." I awkwardly state, scratching the back of my head.

She smiles again "you're not at all what I feared you to be," I turn my head sideways in confusion "see, when my baby- I mean Jeongin said he found work at that kind of shop I was afraid he would get bad influences or a weird creep as boss, but you seem lovely" she quickly eyes me up and down "and if I may say, quite stylish."

I smile a bit at her comment "thank you so much ma'am. I'll do my best to teach your son anything he needs to know about working in a shop." I subconsciously bow a bit and fold my hands in front of me. Her face lights up suddenly "Oh pardon me, how rude, would you like something to drink?"

Jeongin runs down the stairs and practically yanks me with him by grabbing my arm while still in the process of stopping. "That's really sweet mom but we've got to hurry! We can't have Woojin arrive before us! 'Cmon Hyunjinniieee" the younger pulls me with him as I wave to his mother.

"It was nice to meet you Hyunjin, watch over this clumsy ball of energy yeah?" She quickly kisses Jeongin's head while he bounces past her, pulling me with him. "I will ma'am, and same to you!" We rush out of the door to the busstop.

When we're there we see we have 3 minutes left until the bus gets here. "Did I make an okay impression?" I lean my shoulder against the pole. Jeongin smiles widely and hugs me "yes yes, I think she liked you, now stop being so nervous."

I kiss his forehead "was not, am not, never will be."
He giggles and leans his head against my shoulder while still hugging me "course not boss"
"Shut up sundrop"

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