ch 4. Their love, unwanted

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Hyunjin's pov

C'mon Hyunjin you're better than this.

But how can he sit on his knees, hold those, be so cute and say that at the same time.

Ain't fair.

I'm sitting on a box in the storage room, calming myself down. When he said that simple sentence my mind went out of context VERY fast and that's not something helpful. 

I look at the box I'm sitting on. Ah it's the new vibrating cockrings with remote control. 

More things to stock...

I heard loud laughter coming from the shop and I open the door a slight bit to peek at whatever is going on. I see Jeonginnie lying on the floor with a big blue dildo stuck to his neck, while his friends, what were their names again? Seungli and Felo...Oh Seungmin and Felix are chasing and fighting eachother with a black and a purple one. 

When I want to walk back into the shop I feel a certain tightness I know all too well at my croth. I look down and decide I can just leave it like this for now, it'll go away soon enough. For now I do take my buttonup black shirt out of my pants and hang it over them instead, just for safety. I wouldn't want our baby Jeonginnie to think his boss is some kind of horny freak.

I walk back into the shop and I'm met with the younger's bright smile right away. "Hey Hyunjin, what'd you do?" he slightly turns his head while asking, making him look like a puppy.

"I just had to check the stocks real quick, no problems." I smile and tap his head. That's when something catches my eye.

"Innie? Can you turn around for a second?" I ask him, already glancing at his neck.

He looks at me with a questioning look but does it anyways. I look again and I now know for sure.

"Innie... The suction cup you just had on your neck.. it uhm... it kinda.." I giggle through my words

"What about it Hyung?" 

"Just.. Just look in the mirror in the office..." I try to hold in my laugh as he walks off.

The suction cup left a pretty big hickey like spot on his lower neck and since it only happened just now it'll probably get darker in a short bit.

My shorter colleague returns with his hand over the place in his neck. "I look bruised. Like someone hit me!" 

I look at him a bit confused "Oh I thought it looked like a hickey" 

He looks back at me with the same confusion "What's a hickey?" 

Now I'm really perplexed "A hickey? Love bite? You know like someone sucks on your skin and it leaves a mark? The tiny blood vessels break making it visible and bruise-like?"

He shook his head "I've seen them in movies before but I didn't know this is what they look like up close.."

I get surprised by a low voice coming from the other side of the shop. It's Jeongin's friend Felix. I din't realize his voice was that deep "Hyunjin, mate, we've tried to teach him for ages but he just somehow doesn't know any of these things" 

"'Tried to teach him?', do I want to know?" I say while raising an eyebrow

"Probably not" Seungmin answers with a grin.

"Also can we pay real quick??" Felix asks while holding up a collar, leash, tiny pink vibrator, handcuffs with a soft blue layer and a dildo, while Seungmin holds an eyemask, a bar gag made of tiny iron-y rings and a bigger vibrator. Both of them were holding two bottles of lube.

"Did your boyfriends make you go out shopping or something?" Jeongin asks them, curiously looking at what they were holding.

"Sort of," Felix reacts "They said we should just go out and get some things we want to try or things we just want in general. Chan and Changbin said they'd pay so here we go"

I walk up behind Jeongin, yet again trapping him between my arms at the cash desk. "well go on Jeonginnie, I know you can do this. "

Jeongin actually did quite well for it being his first day. He was getting pretty far without my help but he kind of forgot what to do when he had to give Seungmin his 'first time customer' discount, so I leaned over further, slightly pressing my chest against Jeongin's back to reach the screen.

"Jeongin you're watching right?" it takes him a while to react but he answered a small "Y..Yeah"

I look up to see Seungmin nudging Felix's side and pointing at Innie's face. I also quickly glance and I see he's completely red. Cute when he isn't even trying to, no, stop it. He's just your colleague.

I decide to tease him just a tiny bit more, despite my inner voice giving me obvious messages not to, by stroking my hand over his waist while I raise my hand to type in the code.

I feel him shift slightly, his back pressed against my torso just ever so slightly more. When I finish typing I lower my hand again, this time letting it sit on his waist. 

It may be a bit strange but Jeongin didn't seem to mind, since he's been very clear in things he did or did not want (the nickname Innie for example) and I of course didn't mind either. 

When it was time for Seungmin to pay I let Jeongin try it again but he seems a bit lost. I take his hand in mine and move his hand to click the right things.

"Would you like a receipt?" I asked the puppy like Seungmin and he nodded with a bright smile.

I hand him the receipt and he (very dramatically) winks at Jeongin. I let the younger try again for Felix's things and he gets further than before "You're a fast learner Innie" I say, slightly leaning down to his ear. I again enter the code and do the rest of the process while I hope Jeonginnie is watching closely. 

Felix was just smiling brightly the whole time and I don't know why exactly but he looks cute doing it so I'll let it slide.

We finish helping them and I step away from my colleague "You did so well Innie! You'll learn it very quickly I'm sure."

Jeongin went to hug his friends one last time and they whisper something in his ear, to which he wildly shakes his head and hits them on the arm. I hear him whisper-screaming "I do NOT" 

He basically pushes them out of the shop after that and I wave them goodbye.

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