Ch 38. Their love, revenge

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Jeongin pov

"Kitten pleaase~" Hyunjin whines softly. Meanwhile the arms around me and the hold on my thigh tighten and I snuggle my face into the other man's neck. "Don't do this to me kitten, I need you, you know that... Baby..." I smile and secretly enjoy to have the elder whining for my attention. I scoot up a bit, my feet sinking into the soft fabric.

"No! I have cuddle privileges, meaning my designated place is here, on Woojin's lap on the big poofy megachair-"
"What Woojin said, and you have been banished to the corner of the couch so I'm afraid there's simply no way for me to come over." I giggle and lazily lay on Woojin, who softly taps my thigh. "Innie~ this reminds me of the groupdate.. Remember? In the restaurant, before-..." He leans back in the chair with a blank expression, regretting what he had said.

I nod "yeah.. Me too.. Woojinnie everyone came out of it okay! More or less.. We're all fine now darling, so don't be sad about it okay?" I look up at the elder while I draw little circles on his chest with my finger. Woojin sighs and hugs me close. "I know hun.. I just- still feel like there's so many things I could've done better or-" I sit up on his lap and put my hand over his mouth "shoosh. You did great, helped very well and we're not going to be sad about what that moron did."

When I turn around I see the way Hyunjin silently looks at us and I shrug "wanna know? It's one of the only bits of drama in my life. Woojin have you told him before?" Woojin shakes his head and leans his chin on my hair. Hyunjin leans forward, ready to listen to the story. I giggle at his interest "it's not THAT epic Hyunjinnie"
"I don't care, tell me." He's literally on the edge of his seat and looks at me with woke eyes.

"Hehe, alright then. Well.. Where shall I start..."
Read the story in Aviophobia

"You said it wasn't that epic!! Baby you could've died!"
"Actually not, I was barely in danger. The others uhm... No one would've died. There were hundreds of ways to save them if they would be in mortal danger."
"Kitten I don't mean to upset you, but you were all in mortal danger that night. Either way, I'm so glad everyone is okay! Gimme kiss baby"

"Sugar, how can you call him angel when he caused," Woojin harshly pressed against the cuts on my back and lifted my leg, both causing me to clench my jaw, hiss through my teeth and arch my back in pain. "This" He smirks slightly. I look up at him and hit his chest. "You enjoy doing that you asshole!"

Woojin shrugs and kisses my forehead with a grin "let a man have his fun baby. You had yours last night." I snuggle into his neck and decide that just a little bit of teasing wouldn't harm. "Sadist much?" I say while my lips and breath move over his neck. Woojin takes a sharp breath in and digs his fingers into my thigh. I quickly glance at Hyunjin to see if he's okay with it and he smirks a little. At least I learned how to get Woojin annoyed/turned on at the group date.

I run my fingers over his arm slowly "Woojinniee... What are things I might need to know for the shop that Hyunjin hasn't told me yet?" Woojin's neck muscles and abs tense while his hands froze on my waist and thigh. "Sundrop... Move your face a bit please" he moves his head to the side and I do as he says. However not in the way he probably wanted me to. I move my lips to the curve of his neck into his shoulder instead.

Suddenly Woojin's hand moves off my waist. "Honey I'm serious, move. You know very well that you won't be let off easy, no matter how much I love you and how cute you are" even though his threat did alarm me a little (and made my body heat up slightly) I'm not planning to stop any time soon. "You didn't even answer my question Woojinaaah..." I whine and move even closer against him. A loud slap sounds and I quickly grip for my ass with a yelp.

"WOOJINAAH THAT'S SO MEAN THAT HURT" I yell in a whiny voice while I straddle his lap and look into his eyes. He grins "I know, I warned you kitten" I feel my face heat up. Sure, I'm not particularly IN LOVE with Woojin, but he can get you weak if he tries. Or if he doesn't try honestly. "...Don't use that Woojin.. That's really unfair.." He grins and places his hands on my ass, more confidently as Hyunjin hadn't reacted negatively to earlier actions.

"Oh is it unfair? Is it really? Even though you just decided to interrupt cuddling to tease and annoy me?" Alright my little plan worked a bit too well.. I look down at the Woojin's black shirt, just to distract myself from said man's words and movements. "...msorrey" I softly mumble with red stained cheeks when Woojin's hands squeeze my butt. "Oh sundrop you're so cute~ usually I'd be okay with this and leave it for now. However..." He sits up straight so our noses touch. "You too kept me awake last night, not only Hyunjin..."

I feel more heat rising to my cheeks and look away from the man. "Baby. Look at me." I didn't listen and keep my head tilted to the side. "You'll be in a lot more trouble if you don't do as I say kitten" his hands move under my shirt and rest on my waist. I take a shaky breath in and glance at Hyunjin, hoping he'd intervene to keep me from shame. My lover just watched with a small smirk and dark eyes, making me feel even smaller under his gaze and Woojin's attention. I hesitantly look at the elder.

"You know Innie, there's lots of punishments..." His hands move over my waist and move me up slightly. "For example what you saw for Hyunjin, pain and dominating. There's many other things.." His hands slip under my thighs and he gets up off the chair, throwing me on the empty side of the couch. Woojin towers over me and hangs above me while his hands roam my body. "So many ways I could make you feel bad..." He kisses my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.

"But.." He pulls my left leg up, against his hip and rubs my thigh slowly.
"I think.." My body heats up under his touch and my back arches slightly.
"That for you.." He bites my neck and ran his hands over my torso.
"My darling Innie.." His lips move down as far as my shirt would permit him.
"This-" he moves off me completely and grabs Hyunjin's hand.
"Might be the most effective punishment" he pulls on Hyunjin's hand, causing the dark haired man to stand up.
"Let's go get a coffee Hyunjinnie, we'll be back in a bit gumdrop~" Hyunjin nods and follows Woojin.

"Hyunjinnie~ sir~ you won't actually leave like this will you?" I sit on the couch on my knees and look at him with the best puppy eyes I could manage. He hesitates and keeps the door to the living room open for a second longer. "Sir please~ let me make you feel good sir! I'll be good, I promise!" I lean forward, now on hands and knees. Hyunjin walks towards me and his fingers scratch under my chin like one does with a pet. I unintentionally lean into the touch and look into my lover's eyes. He bends down until his lips are almost within reach.

"Look at it positively, you're not dead~"

He straightens his back and sways his hips while he walks out of the room, singing "Americanooo~~~ I like it~~ I like it~"

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