Ch 21. Their love, bold

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Sorry that it took so long guys, I won't be posting a lot the coming idk 3 days because 1 I have an exam coming up (as mentioned before I think) and 2 for some reason I'm not getting a lot of inspiration

Jeongin pov

We're sitting together and because of a lack of chairs Felix is on Chan's lap, the elder's hand resting on Felix's thigh, Jimin flopped down on Yoongi, who doesn't really seem to care nor mind. I'm on the floor next to Hyunjin. He had offered me the chair but I refused.

Sitting on the ground is an underrated level of comfort.

Yoongi is talking about how he's started his own company and that Jimin joined him soon after, and how they're now producing their own music and dance.

Hyunjin put on music a short while back and I'm silently swaying my head to Super Junior's Mamacita and singing along short bits. I feel a hand on the back of my head, playing with my hair.

I lean into the touch and look up at Hyunjin, who's absentmindedly fiddling with my hair while talking to Yoongi and Jimin. Felix and Chan are just talking along and sometimes whisper and laugh together.

Suddenly Felix sits up straight, as if someone's pulling a string up that's attached to the top of his head. "Jeonginniieeeee?" He says with a sweet smile, meaning he's about to do something evil- I mean not so good.

"Yes Lixie?" I answer, fearing for my life. Okay, I'm not fearing for my LIFE but you know, I don't trust his adorable face. "We never officially ended truth or dare..." He wiggles his brows. "YANG JEONGIN, TRUTH OR DARE?!"

"You have got to be fucking kidding me" I shake my head softly.
"Oh my gosh the baby swore!" Chan points at me with fake shock and horror over his face.
"Screw off old man, I swear more often" I stick out my tongue before giggling and saying "sorry Channie-hyung, love yoouuu~♡" I blow a little kiss.

"I know darling" he chuckles before snuggling his face into Felix's neck. I turn to Felix "Anyways, Lix, I choose dare, and do not dare to pull the sexy dance on me again."

"Alright uhmmm.... Grab something from the shop, something you don't know what it is or what it's for, and make up a false explanation on how to use it and what it is." He kisses Chan's head and smiles at me.

I hear Hyunjin chuckle and Jimin smirks. "Kaykay, I can do that!" I get up and look around. "May I assist him to avoid boring products?" the dark haired next to me asks with obvious amusement lacing his tone.

"Sure, you're the pro here" Felix approves and Jimin nudges his arm "Pardon you kiddo, I'M the pro" 
"Oh sorry Jiminie, you're the original pro" He chuckles while Hyunjin puts an arm on my shoulder.

"Go ahead kitten, just choose something." I nod and look around. I see a white device that looks like a vr controller but different. It has a rubbery something that kinda resembles a bottlecap mixed with a speaker? 

"Hyunjin? What's this?"
"That's a vibrator"
"Can you show me how to use it?"

"What? Did I say something wrong?" I turn my head to the side, confused about his reaction. "Kitten, you should seriously think about the way you phrase things.." He picks it up while shaking his head. He turns it on by pressing on a button and explains how it works.

"Okay those are the handcuffs, that's the gags, feathers... uhhhh..... dildo's.... Oh what's that?" I spot a pretty large package with poles and a.. what is that even? It has a safety harness for when you go rockclimbing or do an agility course... 

"Oh that's fun, go ahead Innie, explain it" Hyunjin ruffles my hair with a grin and walks back to the others. I look at the package "Uuuuhm... It's for stretching and training your muscles? Aaaaand the poles are to make a construction with the safety harness attached so you have more freedom than when you're on the ground." I do some poses, making the guys laugh.

"I mean, in a way, you're not entirely wrong" Yoongi smiles a bit with sweet eyes. 
"You're not very right either, but you're not ENTIRELY wrong" Jimin adds with a giggle.

I walk over to them and Hyunjin swiftly pulls me onto his lap "You surprised me kitten, I'd expected you to describe it as 'an at home rock climbing simulator' or something along those lines. Your answer was more accurate, good job!" He says with a broad smile.

I feel a smile creep onto my face. Why does it feel so good when he praises me?! It wasn't even an actual compliment, he basically said he thought I'd be a dumbass... Wait what if he thinks I AM a dumbass!! Oh no... 

"...nnie? Hellooo?" I hear a voice calling out and quickly turn, my trail of thought cut off. I see Jimin waving at me "Oh, yes? Sorry I was thinking about-.. what it actually was." Jimin walks over and ruffles my hair "Yoongi and I have to leave, but we'll hang out soon again. Now gimme a hug"

The pink haired man leans over and hugs me. Wow his hugs are so comfortable..  I hug him back with a smile "See you soon Jimin! Byebye Yoongiii" said man smiles softly and nods. I shake the hand he put out and Hyunjin does the same. 

"We'll be off as well, but we will probably come back in a while, I saw some interesting stuff" Chan smirks and I get up to tightly hug him and Felix. "Be careful sweety, we love youuu" Felix smiles while walking out of the shop, holding hands with Chan. "Yeah yeah, now shoo" I giggle and wave them goodbye.

When everyone's gone Hyunjin and I put away the chairs and while the elder quickly washes the used cups in the kitchen part of the office I lean against the doorpost with my shoulder and mumble "....Is it bad if I'm starting to love you?...."

He reacts in a normal speaking tone "What'd you say kitten?" 

"Oh.. n-nothing.. If it's bad that I... love.. working with you..." I cover up softly. Please, please, PLEASE tell me he didn't hear what I said... 

"No kitten, that's not bad, I'm really glad to hear that" He walks to me and lifts up my chin. I feel my cheeks heat up a bit "I love it too" He kisses me softly before walking out the door, into the shop.

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