He got why the former slaves called her Mhysa, because she had the never ending love, patience, and understanding one would need. With a final squeeze, their hands broke apart.  "Tywin!" Rhae cried out, gathering the attention of the Lord as he approached. 

"Your Grace." He greeted. "You want me to do as we discussed?" She nodded. "Perhaps we can reflect on our failures while we're at it, discuss which one of my children might actually have enough knowledge in them to continue our House name." He rattled, rolling his eyes at the thought of meeting with his daughter. 

She smiled at him. "I know it's not ideal, but if anyone can make her see sense, you can. All I need is a truce." She told him, his head nodding. 

"I'll get it done." Tywin muttered, looking to his son who then turned to Rhae. She nodded to him.

"Keep my Hand alive while you're at it, won't you?" She called out, Tyrion turning before walking, with Tywin joining beside him. There was a twisted irony, he was sure; of Tywin having to join sides with his hated son, of going against his prized children. It made him chuckle, a certain sureness filling him as he gazed back at Rhaenar, her head nodding to him.

The world would feel her wrath if anything happened to those she cared about; but he was sure of the world would burn if anything happened to her. If Tyrion didn't make it happen, someone else would. "What are you smirking about?" Tywin asked him, the pale green turning to him.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

"You're brave." Oberyn admitted as he slowed his approach to her, their eyes focusing on the disappearing bodies of the Lannister men. "I don't think I could have sent two Lannisters back into the pride."

The indigo glanced at him from the side, her head nodding. "Sometimes we have to hope that people are looking out for our best interests; I trust that Tyrion can do this." Rhae admitted.

"And if Cersei doesn't give you what you want?" Rhae turned this tie, glancing up to Oberyn as she focused upon his lips. If Cersei didn't give her a break, then she'd have to let Westeros pick a side. She needed to form a barrier between the North and the South - to deter Cersei from marching forward, while they dealt with the Northern threat.

"Then we divide Westeros. We'll split the troops between the North and South and fight with what we have... Knowing Cersei's past record with truces and alliances, it's probably that she'll go back upon their word. But, at least the Kingdom will see who laid down their lives to protect the innocents, and who let the fire burn to keep themselves warm." He smirked, nodding his head.

He'd be surprised if he'd see Cersei alive this time next year. "Where will you want me? North or South?"

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