I went upstairs to the Astronomy tower and sat against the railing. I opened my new book and I flicked through the pages. Although, up here, the wind was really strong and my hair was all in my face and going into my mouth, my eyes and up my bloody nose. My hair is long, I need a haircut.

"Maybe I should be pouty and moody here instead," I sighed, getting up and leaving.


I stayed in my room instead as the pages were blowing back and Mother Nature herself was trying to make me swallow my hair. It was near the end of Harry and Ron's Divination lesson so I pulled out the Marauder's Map. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

I looked on the map to see them moving. I thought that I might as well meet them. I walked out of the common room and I walked down the stairs.

I walked into the entrance hall to see a crowd gathered. This awful thing was penetrating my eardrums. And that was Malfoy's voice.

"Should have known," I groaned. "Now Weasley," Malfoy taunted Ron, who was being restrained by Harry and Hermione. "Is your mother really that porky?" Malfoy laughed.

"Shut up, Malfoy!" I made my presence known and I stepped out in front of them. "Finally, wondering where the fourth one was," Malfoy sneered.

"Seriously?" I scoffed. "Ugh, you're such a knob!"

I turned back to my friends. "Come on."

"Fine, enough about Weasley's mother, let's talk about your Mudblood mother, no wait..your father, let's talk about your father," Malfoy hissed. I turned around and Malfoy walked up to me. "I know it's Lupin," he hissed in my ear.

My eyes widened and I froze for a second. "I pieced it together last year, I saw him threaten Snape, I know your secret, Father tried having you sent away. Be glad you're protected, Jones."

I gave him the death stare. "You utter one word, I swear on my life, I will chew you up!" I growled at him, in a low voice.

"Don't you threaten me!"

"Or what?" I got up in his face. "Don't you dare climb on your high horse and look down on me as if you're better than me. You're a privileged, spoiled brat! You're pathetic!"

I started to walk away but I was hit in the back with a spell and was knocked to the ground. "You son of a.."

I was about to draw my wand to shoot a spell back at him. "OH NO YOU DON'T, LADDIE!" I heard someone yell.

I got up to see Moody with his wand pointed at some kind of big white rat. Harry and Ron were roaring with laughter. "Is that a ferret?" I frowned.

"You alright?" Moody asked me, not exactly looking at me. "I'm fine," I nodded.

"LEAVE IT!" he shrieked. He looked at Crabbe who was trying to pick up the ferret.

Moody pointed his wand at the ferret. It flew ten feet into the air and smacked down to the stone floor. "Is that Malfoy?" I asked the boys. They couldn't say anything because they were wheezing with laughter but they nodded.

"HOW! DARE! YOU! ATTACK! HER! WHILE! HER! BACK! WAS! TURNED!" Moody bellowed. With each word, the ferret was bounced up and down.

"Professor Moody!" McGonagall shrieked. "Hello, Professor McGonagall," Moody said calmly. "What are you doing?!" she demanded.

"Teaching," Moody told her. "Is that a student?!" McGonagall freaked out. "Yes," he answered her.

"No!" McGonagall waved her wand and Malfoy reappeared. He looked traumatised and I was stifling a laugh.

"We never use Transfiguration as a punishment!" McGonagall scolded him. "Surely Professor Dumbledore mentioned it. We give detentions or talk to their Head of House."

"I'll do that then," Moody grumbled. "My father will hear about this!" Malfoy muttered.

"I know your father, boy! You tell him Moody's keeping an eye on you! And don't think I didn't hear every bloody word you hissed in Jones' ear! If you ever stutter something that hints towards THAT, she will be the least of your worries! Now, apologise to Jones!" he shouted.

Malfoy looked at me nervously. "Sorry," he gulped. "Now, a word with Professor Snape then," Moody grumbled, pulling Malfoy away.

"What the bloody hell just happened?" I frowned. "Jones," McGonagall came over to me. "Did he mention your..."

"Yes," I nodded. "Well, I'll talk to your aunt about this, Jones," McGonagall reassured me. "He won't say a word to anyone if he wants to stay in this school."

McGonagall walked off and I was thinking if I should tell my father and Sirius.

I just looked around to see the crowd gone. I had left the Entrance Hall and went into the Great Hall to see Harry and Ron laughing about Malfoy being turned into a ferret.

It was funny but they had no idea what Malfoy whispered in my ear. He knew but I had faith that McGonagall was going to fix it.

Hermione had rushed to the library and I was just poking at my food with my fork. "Joy? What's wrong? You're hardly touching your food," Harry noticed.

"He knows," I sighed. "Malfoy knows, he saw my dad threatening Snape last year."

Harry wrapped his arm around me. "Sorry."

"There's nothing you can do, don't worry about it," I sighed, pessimistically. "No, Joy," Harry said. "I'm your best friend, he's not getting away with that, not on my watch."

I rested my head on Harry's shoulder. "Thank you," I murmured. "I have to tell my dad and Snuffles."

"It'll be okay, Remus won't get mad at you," Harry comforted me. "And don't forget Malfoy the Bouncing Ferret."

I suddenly snorted and started giggling uncontrollably. "He just went up and down and up and down!" I wheezed and Harry held onto me as I hugged him. "Thanks, for being my best friend."

I heard Harry sigh. Although there was a hint of sadness. "No problem."

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