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I stood against a tall tree in the forest completely and utterly out of breath. The very girl, who has thought me everything I know about my powers. Now wants me dead, not only that, but she had been planning my downfall for centuries. And as stated in the prophecy the entire super natural world will fall by her hands. Killing me kills every super natural being. I am after all their Goddess. I slowly peeled my hands from my side. As I no longer felt the gruesome pain that was there. It's as if the wound had completely healed itself.

"Thank you Gods." I slowly mouthed as I dragged my feet towards the castle gates. "It's such a shame that the members of The Order all died. I know they would've enjoyed watching me kill you." a voice said out of nowhere. I immediately turned my attention to the direction of the voice. As I placed myself in a defensive stance causing Isabelle to chuckle softly.

My eyes quickly diverted to the massive beast she had along side her. A werewolf, a huge black coated wolf with red eyes and deadly canines. Each bark made me quiver. I was petrified of those things I guessed Isabelle saw the effect that the wolf had on me because she smirked menacingly. It's as if the world was set to fast forward because the next thing I know. I was knocked to the ground with the huge wolf on top of me.

Trying to grip just a fraction of my face off. "It's quite unfair how mother cursed the lot of you people. I mean you're here fighting for the entire super natural race. As if you even have a chance against me. I feel sorry for those poor creatures depending on you to win this war so they can live." Isabelle said before yanking me by my feet and sending me crashing through the window of a room in the castle.

I coughed uncontrollably as my entire body erupted with pain. "It's time to die Enyo!" Isabelle shouted placing her feet on my neck. As she held a uniquely designed silver dagger above her head. My eyes rolled over slightly as I tried to welcome death.

I was too tired to fight anymore either it was because I knew I would never win. Or it was because I was just thrown into a room on the highest floor of the castle. Whatever it was, it still gave me a right to feel as though. I was ready to die right?

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