Chapterr 4 !!!!!

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It's been a week since I got word that my kingdom has been destroyed. And that a thousand lives has been lost. The only thing running through my mind was whether or not my mother was still alive. I sighed heavily as I soared in the night sky like a Phoenix. While I glanced at my now destroyed kingdom after hearing about the fall of my people and kingdom. I quickly fled from the Dark land kingdom.

And why wouldn't I ? When the only reason I was at the Dark land kingdom in the first place. Was because the members of the Order had threatened my mother.

Now that I was back home or at least what's left of it. The members of the Order were nowhere to be found. To believe that they died in the explosion seemed too far fetched for me. I diverted my gaze from the sight beneath me before allowing a tear to escape my eyes.

"Where are you mother?"

A wave of sadness clouded my subconscious. As I granted the rain permission to pour down. I landed on my feet with my wings dragging behind me.

As I quickly placed my hand on the broken down wall trying to get a premonition. But it was of no use.

"Aaah!!!" I screamed as I fell to the floor.

I felt completely helpless my kingdom was destroyed and my mother could be either dead or missing. And it was all on me if I hadn't been born our people would still be alive. Our kingdom would've still been peaceful and my mother would still be safe. My father, King Aslan, would still be here. The Elders, they wouldn't have left us. Glancing around my kingdom seeing nothing but broken down walls and smokes made my heart clenched.

I always adored my kingdom's beauty and now it was destroyed. The Mage's tower everything was destroyed. I closed my eyes shut while I placed my hands on the ground below me. As a single tear hit the ground. Within seconds I heard the sound of stones building up. I opened my eyes slowly before standing to my feet.

Here stood in all its beauty, AGAIN was, my castle, my home, but something was missing, - my people. Nothing will be the same without them, without my mother, Simon or Miranda. Maybe it was time for a change something sinister.

I took a step back from the castle. To examine my work before waving my hands in the air.

A roaring sound of thunder was heard before my once beautiful castle. Was transformed into a dark and scary castle. With tall walls and a grand gate to block out intruders.

My people have been nothing but preys their entire lives. Too kind, too little, too weak. Now our entire species have been extinct. Whoever escaped the fire surely died in the forest. It was almost impossible for our kind to survive in the dangerous forest.

I closed my eyes shut as the rain poured down harder. I will find every last living member of the Order and I will end them.

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