Full moon

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"It's a full moon tonight." Munroe said as she placed a few herbs in a dish. Simon remained silent as he watched Athena and Miranda still sleeping.

"It's been two days don't you think they should be awake by now?" Simon asked before bringing the mug to his lips. "They'll wake in due time." Munroe said before they heard a loud knock on the door. Which caused Simon to drop the mug smashing it to pieces. Munroe shook her head slightly at him before she cursing under her breath.

"Get the door." she said trying to contain her anger.

That was her favorite mug.

Simon nodded nervously before looking through the peephole on the old wooden door. Shocked by what he saw he gasped loudly before covering his eyes.

"What is it now ?" Munroe asked frustrated as she watched Simon's antics. "There's a naked woman on the porch." Simon said as he began pacing.

Munroe sighed loudly as she rolled her eyes at her house guest. "you know something, you don't act as wise as you claim yourself to be." she said opening the front door revealing indeed a very naked woman.

"You must be Munroe." the naked woman stated. Munroe glanced behind the woman and into the dark forest before she invited the stranger in.

"What can I do for you child?" Munroe asked as she went back to mixing her herbs.

"My alpha sent me to you we have a problem." the woman stated.

"You should put this on." Simon smiled nervously as he handed the stranger a coat. The woman glanced from Simon and Munroe before finally taking the coat.

The coat covered the woman perfectly enough to make Simon a little less uncomfortable. But it still showed her long toned legs the woman was also a very rare beauty. Her light skin tone was as clear as crystals while her hair was the shade of brunette. And it stopped a few inches below her shoulders. Her light gold eyes shined as perfectly as the full moon in the night sky. It was obvious that her wolf was in full control.

''But why was she not in wolf form ?"

Was a question that played on both Simon and Munroe's minds as they watched her keenly. However, they were far from prepared for what they were about to hear.

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