Chapter 8!

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"Isabelle!" Jasmine called from outside the shut door of Isabelle's room. While glancing around the empty and dark hallway ensuring that she was alone.

"Jasmine, what are you doing here are you trying to get me killed?" Isabelle asked softly. As she poked her head outside the door and glared at Jasmine.

"You know that no one's allowed to be wondering the castle halls after curfew. Especially not us seeing as though we're not in the king's good graces." Isabelle said softly with her head barely poked outside of her room door.

"I fear that princess Dalinda has done something terrible to Enyo." Jasmine stated her voice mixed with a hint of defeat and sorrow. Isabelle shook her head before rolling her eyes.

"Oh, Jasmine, Enyo's mere presence brings us nothing but death. You should be happy the princess decided to take matters in her own hands. After we allowed Enyo to leave the castle." Isabelle stated. Which caused Jasmine to gasped before covering her mouth and taking a few steps backwards.

"Issy what did you do?!?" Jasmine cried.

"I did just what I had planned to do all those years ago Jasmine." Isabelle responded as a small smirk played at the corner of her lips.

While Jasmine watched in pure confusion.

"What do you mean?" Jasmine asked.

Your rambling again Isabelle, what are you trying to say?" Jasmine asked her Isabelle completely confused.

Isabelle sighed loudly as she looked at Jasmine with pure annoyance.

Before she boldly stepped out from behind the door. And was now inches from Jasmine's face glaring down at her. Her eyes showing just how annoyed she was.

"You stupid girl! Enyo will die at my hands!" Isabelle shouted causing Jasmine's small frame to quiver with fear.

Isabelle is a very intimidating girl and a powerful witch. She's the kind of girl no one wants to piss off and if they do. Well, 'good luck' to them. However, Jasmine as always been an exception Jasmine saw Isabelle as a sister she had always longed for. They grew up to together, they shared secrets, the type of friendship where they would finish each other's sentences. They knew everything about each other. Or did they ?

"Isabelle your scaring me." Jasmine whispered softly. Which caused Isabelle to laugh hysterically. And not the kind of laugh where you've find something extremely funny. But more like the kind an evil villain makes just before they disclose they're evil plans.

"You silly girl!" Isabelle shouted. "You along with everyone in this castle as been nothing but a pawn in my little game." Isabelle continued. "You see, my mother risked her life and everything she once knew for a stupid rose and a prophecy. Do you honestly think I would sit back as that disgusting excuse of a Goddess thrived amongst us?" Isabelle asked. While looking at Jasmine's face which held nothing short of shock and disappointment.

"Upon my mother's death she cursed the entire super natural world. And wrote the prophecy in stone for a centuries worth of immortal beings to see, to fear, to dread but most of all to show them that they cannot escape her wrath." Isabelle said calmly.

"Your Ophelia's child?" Jasmine whispered as she covered her mouth slightly. "That means you know where the rose of death is ? Maybe we can stop the prophecy for united we stand and divided we fall." Jasmine said as a sudden wave of hope consumed her.

"I AM NOT JUST OPHELIA'S CHILD, I AM THE ROSE OF DEATH IN FLESH LOVE! my mere existence is to bring distress to the entire super natural world. Were you not paying attention? there is no escaping this. You will die! as with every other creature who was gifted at birth." Isabelle explained. "You don't get it do you? the prophecy wasn't just about Enyo, it's about revenge, it's about allowing the lot of you to feel what Ophelia my mother had felt. The entire super natural world is doomed whether Enyo dies or not and the little brat is probably dead as we speak." Isabelle said. Not bothering to consider the impact that her sudden confessions had left on Jasmine.

"How could you Issy?!" Jasmine asked as tears stormed down her cheeks. Isabelle sighed as she watched Jasmine. Before taking a few steps towards her. "It's a shame how we grew up believing that we're immortals and then in a split second our entire existence is being threatened isn't it ? Once Enyo's eyes close then you all will cease to exist and to think so many of you were so eager to kill the little brat. Not knowing that your lives are linked to hers as she is after all your Goddess." Isabelle stated.

"Dalinda and Olive were really the ones who came up with the plan. So if you ought be disappointed in anyone it ought to be them. I merely saw it as an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Of course the princess and Olive had no idea of my true intentions because Dalinda was consumed by her hatred for Silas. And Olive, well Olive was Olive, her blind loyalty towards Dalinda is going to get her killed one day." Isabelle laughed hysterically before turning on her heels and going back inside her room. Leaving Jasmine in the long dark hallways trapped in her train of thoughts.

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