Enyo's 18th birthday! (Chapter 9 Finale)

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"Happy birthday Enyo!" Jasmine squealed. As she opened the curtains which revealed the beaming sun.

I groaned softly before burying my face deeper into the soft squishy pillow. "Go away!" I shouted before throwing a pillow at her feet. "I'm sorry but that's not an option we have a whole day planned for you. The ball is tonight and there's so much to do." Jasmine said excited for the day ahead.

She was alot more excited than I was for my own birthday.

I sighed softly before reluctantly dragging myself out of bed. "Can I at least have a few minutes to myself ? It is after all my birthday." I said as I stood inches away from Jasmine. The excitement quickly left her eyes and was replaced by sadness.

I guess I was being a bit ungrateful. Huh?

"It's just that it's my 18th birthday and for the first time in a long time things are seemingly normal. I just need a minute to take it all in while I allow my wings to take me away. I've gotten so used to being alone that being around my friends and family made me somehow miss my solitude." I said sincerely hoping Jasmine would understand.

"Of course, I totally understand. I'll be down the hall waiting for you." Jasmine stated before hugging me and leaving me alone in the huge room.

I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I was 18. Seems like just yesterday my very existence was on the line. As I was being hunted by every super natural being. Now I was happy ? at peace ? And in this vile kingdom full of unmerciful souls ? This felt so surreal.

I quickly snapped out of my trance as I heard a loud knock on the door. I shook my head slightly as I made my way towards the door.

"I thought we agreed on giving me a few minutes to myself Jas." I said as I turned the knob on the door opening it.

I felt as if my breath as somewhat hitched. As I glanced at the person before me. To say I was surprised would be an understatement.

"Hello love" Silas said before plastering his signature smirk on his face. Who knew someone so evil could be so unexplainably gorgeous. "Silas." I breathe out. As I hurriedly brushed my tousled hair with my fingers causing Silas to chuckle.

Beethoven had nothing on him as his chuckles were like music to my ears. I immediately stopped and placed my hands at my side. As my face became bright red.

"In flesh love." Silas said as his grey eyes roamed every fibre of my being. "I came to wish you a happy birthday. But it seems you had requested to be left alone." Silas said referring to my earlier statement.

How do I tell this God like man before me that I'd be willing to make an exception for him?

"I was just hoping to go for a quick adventure in the sky before the rush begins." I said biting on the inside of my lips.

"Hmm, would it be a bit much if I asked for a few minutes to show you something?" Silas asked.

You could tell by the way he fidgeted that he was not very good with asking permission. I mean he was after all an Alpha wolf and the born king of the most feared kingdom.

I smiled sheepishly before I nodded my head which caused him to smile. "Meet me in the Dragon's sector I'll have one of my guards escort you." Silas said. Before he walked away down the halls leaving me with my brows risen.

A thousand questions raced through my mind. As I closed the door to my room and walked to my bathroom. "Was the Dragon's sector not forbidden?" "why would he invite me there?"  "maybe he was trying to kill me."

I chuckled softly at my untamed thoughts. Before taking a bath and finishing my hygiene. I quickly grabbed a white dress from my closet. That stopped a little above my knees and my soft brown shoes. I slightly untied my blonde hair causing it to flow down my shoulders and back. I squealed excitedly as I glanced at my reflection in the mirror before racing through the door.

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