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"She needs our help!" Jasmine shouted as Dalinda grabbed her arms. "I'll kill that little brat myself!" Miranda yelled. As she marched forward but was stopped by Munroe. "This is not our fight! there's nothing we can do but watch and have faith in Enyo. For she's far more powerful than she knows." Munroe stated before hugging Athena tightly.

Everyone stood completely consumed by their thoughts as they hoped for the best. Though Munroe was terribly conflicted with the circumstances of the prophecy. She knew better than anyone that this war will only be over when Enyo learns who she truly is. "She locked us in!" Dalinda shouted as she tried unlocking the door.

"I can't seem to read anyone's aura the world is so dull now." Jasmine said pouting. "Of course! the prophecy it must've started to affect the rest of our abilities." Dalinda said knowingly before glancing at Silas. "Brother, are you able to shift back?" Dalinda asked Silas. As she continued trying to open the jammed door. "Your majesty!" Antonio shouted. Before he caught an unconscious Silas in his arms.

"He's bleeding!" Antonio shouted. Dalinda quickly raced across the room to her brother's side. "Somebody do something!" Dalinda screamed as she cupped Silas's face. "I'm afraid there's not much we can do without our powers princess, we are after all trapped here." Simon said sadly. "You said Enyo was his mate right?" Munroe asked stepping forward.

"Enyo took a pretty bad blow, the wound could very well be Enyo's. Werewolves do share a strong bond with their mates. They feel whatever their mates feel." Munroe said as she sat on the ground next to Silas. "This is not magic, but a trick my mother taught Ophelia and I when we were much younger." Munroe whispered.

Before wrapping her hair up and removing the ring from Silas's hand. "He's going to shift into his dragon once that ring comes off." Dalinda said terrified. "Not if the curse from the prophecy has taken it's toll on his body." Munroe said before breaking the dark amber stone that was inside the silver ring. "She must have had a crafty mother if her mother taught her this stuff." Simon said out aloud. Which caused Munroe to glare at him before she started chanting ancient words.

"I thought you said it wasn't magic?" Simon asked confused. "It isn't, it is indeed a trick I've seen my grandmother and mother perform multiple time. Silas's wolf was wounded and because of the curse he's unable to heal. Munroe is trying to heal the wound by trying to get the king to shift into his dragon involuntarily. That way his wolf would have time to rest while he uses up the lifespan of his dragon." Olive explained flashing a polite smile at Simon.

"You know for someone whose as old as you are you really are clueless to a-lot of stuff." Dalinda said rolling her eyes at Simon. "Are you sure this will work? I mean we're basically just hoping that he doesn't shift and kill us all." Simon continued. Which resulted in him receiving death glares from everyone. "Shut up Simon!" Everyone yelled in union before a loud gasp was heard.

"Silas!" Dalinda screamed as she hugged her brother tightly causing him to groan. "Thank you." Silas mouthed to Munroe. As he embraced Dalinda and gave Antonio a slight nod.

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