Chapter 113

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Chapter 113 Stubborn Mdm Yu Who Plots Against Mo Xuetong Again

"Tong'er, you go and take a look by yourself. I spoke to the abbot earlier, so you can pick a few blossoms home to decorate. I am rather dumb and a young girl won't like what I pick. Tong'er, you better go pick by yourself." Mdm Qin was considered kind towards Mo Xuetong in front of others. As long as one did not cross the line, she was considered to be a very good elder. She was laughing and seemed to be in a good mood. She looked at the plum blossoms around her and patted Mo Xuetong's hand, gesturing for her to go and pick blossoms by herself.

The plum blossoms in Qingliang Temple was very precious. Not everyone who wanted to admire them could, much less pick a few blossoms.

"Aunt, will you go and take a look with me? You have such good taste." Mo Xuetong tugged on Mdm Yu's sleeves cutely. She looked as if she would not go if Mdm Yu did not accompany her.

"Alright alright, Tong'er, go by yourself. I won't join in things that young girls do. Look at the blossoms that I picked earlier, they don't go well together. I have disappointed you. You'd better go pick by yourself. Pick those that you like. I am old and I will wait here with grandaunt for you and rest for a while." Mdm Yu flicked her handkerchief and laughed elegantly, helping Mdm Qin sit down in a pavilion by the side.

She was still worried that she could not find an excuse to leave. How would she accompany Mo Xuetong at a time like this? She looked at the maid beside her meaningfully and the maid nodded lightly.

"Aunt, how can your taste be bad? You don't know how beautiful the blossoms you picked were. Tong'er would not be able to pick anything more beautiful than those. I shan't go anywhere and sit here with you and grandaunt." Mo Xuetong looked at Mdm Yu with a small smile. She did not move and looked as if she did not want to go. She pouted slightly, looking rather adorable.

Mdm Yu was a little anxious now that Mo Xuetong was not moving!

"You are a young girl, how can you be so lazy? Go, those beautiful flowers are not the ones you can usually see. There are a few ink plum blossoms over there. Don't you like them? They are really precious and their color is rather similar to orchids. I heard that they were brought in from overseas and is really rare even in the capital." Mdm Yu pointed at the plum blossom forest enthusiastically with a smile.

Mo Xuetong cocked her head and her eyes swirled with emotions. She looked at how Mdm Yu seemed to be smiling warmly, but her eyes were floating all over the place. She must be looking for someone. She looked in the direction of the plum blossom forest that Mdm Yu was pointing at and a smile appeared on her lips. She was so desperate, there must be someone hidden there.

"Aunt, you know Tong'er's favorites so well. You are too kind to me. I shall borrow this tea from the temple to thank you for your care." Mo Xuetong took a cup of tea from the tray a little monk held up by her side. Her handkerchief trailed after the cup as she brought it in front of Mdm Qin. Then, she brought another cup of tea up to Mdm Yu.

Mdm Yu was a little anxious when she saw that Mo Xuetong had no intentions of leaving. Mo Xuetong's smile seemed especially jarring to her. She scolded in her heart that the girl was still such a show off until the end. She would see how the girl would show off later. She accepted the tea Mo Xuetong handed her and took a sip. She was just about to speak when a lady beside her discovered her and called out for her.

Mdm Yu ignored Mdm Qin then and headed over with her maids to speak with the ladies and also to get rid of Mo Xuetong.

Mdm Qin did not need Mo Xuetong to wait on her as well. She also encountered a few old madams and was chatting happily with them. She told Mo Xuetong to go and have fun by herself.

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