Chapter 2

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@@@@@@@@@Authors Note@@@@@@@@@@@@

Hey pretty people! a very marvelous Happy new year to all! I hope you all had a great time with family and friends. Anyways here's the next chapter for the sequel. It's something new that I'm trying my hands on as a writer so please let me know your views and whatever you feel about this chapter. It would really help and don't forget to vote and share! Enjoy! lots of love!


Being a sophomore gives you the feel of belonging and also makes you an evident witness of all the things that occurred last year. You aren't socially awkward anymore and making friends isn't your highest priority because you've either got one or many but in my case it's quite different.

My very first day at college had been stupendously boring thanks to the introductory classes with the same repeated message - Be regular, attentive and responsible throughout the semester. Why can't they just tell the ones who didn't understand it the first time and relieve us from this god awful tradition where we have to pretend to be dumb listening to each and every course faculty as if we don't already know how the education system works around here.

Before I could fuss more about how ridiculously stupid it seemed a scrunched paper hit my head and dropped on my desk in the middle of the lecture. I looked around and saw a big grin on the culprits face waving enthusiastically at me. It's going to take lot more than that to get me back Miss Volkov, I emphasized through my glare. I sighed and then threw down the crunched paper below my desk totally ignoring her efforts of making an indirect conversation with me but coaxing doesn't actually end unless Poppy says so. Her persuasion's unlike any other. Maybe that's why we are 'still' friends after all that I have been through because of her insane bursts of positivity.

They say opposites attract which is what we are - poles apart except our problems which are like best buddies. Nothing happens if she isn't around and everything happens if she is. She makes me do things that I wouldn't normally dare to do because even though I may live in a bold bright city like New York where anything and everything's possible, there's always going to be a slightly reserved indian resisting the temptation in me.

Somehow the dreadful last lecture came to an end and the moment it did Poppy got busy making plans for the evening which is quite typical of her. I took the very chance and headed towards one place that wouldn't make me feel so depressed about my entire day. 135 Willow St - Brooklyn heights. My home sweet home. It's actually known as the other New York, away from the Times Square neon, but an equally strongly branded slice of the Big Apple. Brooklyn Heights is the place of blintzes and brownstones, its leafy streets with friendly steps leads up to row houses as iconic as a yellow cab proudly tagging itself as America's first suburb.

But one of mine and dads favourite has always been the view from the boardwalk. We mostly go up there and enjoy the stunning views of the Manhattan's skyline or jog along the river at sunset. Dad strictly calls it the 'dada-time' which is quite embarrassing and silly to even share publicly but it's always been our thing from the moment I chose my very first word which was 'DADA.' He still feels proud of that moment whenever he remembers it. It's a long walk up to my house from college everyday but I don't ever mind the journey because I get to see so many different faces and stuff happening on the streets of NY.

I see life in those very moments moving about and being alive around me. It makes you realise you aren't the only one struggling in this world. There are people in line with you and that gives you much needed hope that you just might get through.

One of my consistent support has been music other than my own family because something's only music can cure. Every song tells a story and speaks of how one actually feels so I plug in my earphones and turn up the volume to make myself believe that I'm a part of it. As per the routine it takes around 10-12 songs from the playlist to get me home so I make sure all of them are properly arranged according to my mood which was highly pissed today. Who wouldn't be when the only guy you ever liked calls you by the wrong name and the one who's messed it all up for you is none other than your only friend but that's life. It makes you face the unexpected and then expects you to still be happy in it but what's worst of all is masking this before your family because I really can't.

Fusion of LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon