Chapter 25

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Author's Note:
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Luke's POV

I walked in and her half opened eyes fell upon me.

"Rebecca, oh my baby."

Janet sobbed holding her hands and Carl remained seated beside her thanking god inwardly for giving their daughter back to them.

"How are you, Rebs?" I asked and she smiled faintly.

"Better.. after seeing you." She murmured.

"You shouldnt have done what you did, Rebs." Her smile disappeared.

"Why? Why did you do it?"

"Why do you think?"

"Dear, lets give them a moment, shall we?" Carl suggested to his wife holding her carefully the moment he understood its going to get awkward if they stayed. She looked at us both doubtfully wiping off her tears then agreed to leave with Carl.

"To be honest, it was a terrible move to grab my attention."

"I wasnt trying to grab it, Luke."

"Really? Then why did you do it?"

"I thought you would figure it out by now but it seems like you still cannot."

"What are you talking about, Rebecca? What sort of nonsense is this?" She smiled indecently.

"Where is your girl, by the way? Does she not wish to see me?"

"It's not like that. Anya's waiting outside. She just didnt want to spoil your mood by coming in."

"Right. Is that so? I doubt that she is still outside."
"What do you mean?"

"Dont you see it, Luke? My terrible move worked just fine."

"What? What's gotten into you, Rebs? You were not like this before."

"Yeah I wasn't, Luke but thanks to your girl, I had no choice but to be this way to show you the actual truth."

"What actual truth? What are you talking about?"

"That it isn't love between you two but some kind of foolish temporary attraction. It's pretty clear whats more important to you. Me, I'm more important to you and not her, Luke. It's quite evident now." I couldnt believe those mean words coming out of her mouth for our relationship.

I felt sympathetic towards her before but now I felt only disgust after hearing her stupid reason for taking her own life.

"Know what? You're sick, Rebecca. You're really sick in the head. Get it checked as well. " I turned to leave because I couldnt stand there and listen to her meaningless talks.

"Say what you want, Luke but I have actually proved that my love's more real than hers. I gave up my life for you and what did she do? She left you all alone."

"That's not love, Rebecca. You gave up life to gain control over me. That's called being selfish and crazy which is what you have always been." I sighed running a hand over my pissed off face.

"Next time if you decide to do something so foolish as this..then think about your parents first and how much they would have to suffer for your stupidity." I then angrily barged out of the room and my eyes immediately searched for Anya but she was nowhere to be seen. Rebecca's words instantly dawned on me and I felt betrayed.

"But.. she promised?" I whispered to myself in complete disbelief.

"Luke, honey, why dont you stay a bit longer. We would like that very much. Please." Janet requested humbly.

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