Chapter 14

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For the very first time in my life I had been so directly insulted and left embarrassed by a girl's father still just by seeing the disappointment in her eyes I knew I couldn't quit. 

Quit reaching out to her. Not yet. Not until we see each other again and understand what is it that pulls us close, every-time we are apart.

What is it between us that I can't get over even after numerous tries?

She wanted to talk, express herself yet she couldn't and I don't blame her father for taking her away seeing how I deserved it all. Sadly, we didn't even get the time or privacy to discuss properly whatever the hell's happening, especially with me lately.

I stared at the lit cigarette in between my fingers just to get back the smell and feel of it since I hadn't had one for quite sometime now because whenever I tried to, her formidable face and words hovered before my eyes restricting me not to. 

I was being ridiculously effected by her and dragged to unknown places in the college I never went to in these past couple of years like for instance - The library. I was done with my day's practice so instead of catching up with my rather lengthy and bothersome coursework, I headed straight in search of her, only to watch her enter the library after leaving her classroom.

I finally decided to enter it too throwing down the lit cigarette and crushing it beneath my shoe.

I walked into the library and just stared at it all, the massive rows of bookshelves and storage cabinets in all shapes and sizes, I never knew we had such a big one with floors in our campus. 

"Son, may I help you? You seem.. lost."

I came across a short heighted Chinese in his late fortys who stared at me through his giant black study glasses holding up a bunch of books in his hand. He had a badge stuck to his crisp check blue shirt with his name and designation inscribed over it. Deputy librarian - Mr. Lee. Suits him, I thought, as I closely observed him.

"Is there a problem?" He asked plainly.

"Uh. No. I think I'll be okay on my own. Thanks.. anyways." I assured, leaving him standing there as I entered the vast labyrinth of books to find her. 

A good number of tall shelves were arrayed straight and densely; every single one was fully occupied. The upper floor had more of it like books were all I could see as I searched various sections in between till the end but there was no sign of her. 

Did this library just swallow her whole or what? That's when I bumped against certain someone as I took an abrupt turn. 

"Watch where you're going, you goo.." Our eyes met and I cursed my luck for being so screwed. I was going to apologize but the moment I recognized her face, I instantly ate back my words. 

"Luke! What the hell!" She expressed shockingly.

"Rebecca.." I was more confused than shocked to see her in this place.

"What are you doing here?" I inquired. She then, folded her arms and frowned at me skeptically.

"I should be asking you the same question, shouldn't I? What are you doing here?"

"I.. uh came here to check up on some books."

"You... looking for books? Really?" She didn't seem to believe that crap which was expected of her.

"Why not? I haven't been clearing my semesters just by playing ball, you know. What about you? Meeting someone in here?"

"What if I'm. You wouldn't mind, would you? Since you haven't been giving a damn about me lately." She said with annoyance. I just wanted for her to stop bothering me and leave me alone for once.

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