Chapter 18

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@@@@@Author's Note@@@@@@

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It's the shitiest concept that compels you to believe everything is just going to be fabulous from the moment you are together when all it really does is screws you up in more ways than ever. I mean, I don't get it why do you have to commit to the person when you can easily fill your cup of desires by reaching out for it and then move on to the next.

It's never been a problem for me atleast. Isn't variety better than getting stuck to one for the rest of your life? I think it is. But even after knowing how stupid it is, I'm foolishly about to land up in one, in the hopes of finding two things.

Firstly, her.. because it's been approximately 2 days and 12hours since I last saw her and second, that personal diary that holds every little dark or dirty secret she has been hiding from rest of the world.

I have battled with my emotions tirelessly day and night while my mind has continuously warned me not to go ahead with this but my heart has stopped listening or even considering the consequences of what I'm about to do. I don't know what I'll uncover but whatever it will be, one thing's for sure.. I'll know exactly what's been happening unnaturally between us everytime we saw each other.

It's like wanting to know more when there's no need to. It's like just staring at each other without finding it weird. I don't know and I gotta have to know.

I wore a decent black polo shirt accompanied by my favourite denims as I stepped inside the building then climbed up the decorated stairs. Strangely I had no fear of confronting her Dad or him seeing me at their place. I had no strategy, no plan to get the diary, just a terrible want to see her.

The whole building looked like a freaking christmas tree with all the lights and music being played at such a high volume. People dressed in traditional colourful getups gathered on the streets and all around the place made it easier to figure out her actual apartment.

The door was wide open as I saw people going in and coming out at the same time and my heartbeat increased with every step that I took towards the heavily crowded wedding house.

"Hello, tall guy, you from groom's side or the bride's?" An old man with long grey beard, drunk as shit, approached me out of nowhere.

"Excuse me?" His breath stinked and so did his face.

How could they invite someone like him or Indian weddings are just open to all. No guest lists or sophisticated gentry. It seemed like nobody cared who walked in or who went out of the very place as each of them pushed one another around.

I never knew indian weddings were this bizarre and confusing. It was hard to figure out whose doing what and who to speak to for being led to her so I just went forward and got myself mixed up in the crowd finding my own way to her. God! what a mess.

"Luke..?" All of a sudden, I heard a voice. I turned around and there she stood in a completely different look and God-damn! She looked gorgeous beyond recognition.

I had never been this tongue tied before a woman and here I was internally suffocating just by admiring her flawless beauty.

She looked shocked and confused at the same time to find me at her place while my happiness had just tripled just by gazing at her.

"Anya.. ehrm... Anastasia, you look.. amazing." We stood speechless just staring at each other like always, I'm the one who was supposed to find her in this commotion but she found me instead.

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