Chapter 33

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Author's note

Hey all, please vote, share your amazing views/feedback, anything you would like to see in the coming chapters, let me know and of course share. Until next update! 

Enjoy and takecre pretty readers!


It takes a lot of courage to accept something that's not of your interest but only the brave make sacrifices for the greater good of their people.

I hadn't ever seen Zirak as someone who I could take as my boyfriend let alone be married to him. That was never ever in my thought process.

The moment Dad put forth this ridiculous idea of getting hitched to him, my mind just stopped working.
I only stared at his face blankly blinking my eyes like a fool and so did he but somewhere I also felt that my Dad's right.

I remembered his words that he would find me a suitable man and clearly for him, Zirak was it. And why the hell not, all he has been is nice towards me and my family.

He stood with us in our bad times and I really can't thank him enough for saving my Dad's life on time so isn't it time that I do the right thing and be with someone who is perfect inside out and make everybody happy so without thinking much, I went with my heart which really wanted the best for me.

"I'm ready!" I answered confidently leaving both of them speechless.

"What?" Zirak muttered.

"Yes! That's like my girl!" Dad happily exclaimed. "I knew I wouldn't be wrong in taking this decision. Great! Then I'll let your mother know once she wakes up. You're in this too, right Son?" Dad now looked at Zirak who was still baffled by my response as he stared at me.

"Uh, maybe.. I'll have a word with your daughter alone first, Mr Wilson?"

"Su-Sure. Why not? It's a mutual decision after all. Take all the time you guys need. I'll go rest my tired eyes and we can discuss more on this over breakfast." Dad mumbled excitedly.

"Goodnight then!" He then leisurely went back into his bedroom leaving us two all alone.

"What is going on, Anya?! What did you do?" Zirak reacted the moment Dad was out of sight. "Did you even understand what he meant?"

"I did, Zirak. It's time I did something right, for my family especially. I have had enough of this.. this thing called love and this waiting god knows for what to happen, I don't even know anymore." I miserably murmured. "I'm tired, okey? I just.. I'm done with it." The tears I held back so strongly begin to spill as I wiped them off from my face.

"Hey, I just.. I didn't mean it in that sense. I just wanted to know if this is what you really want. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you in anyway."

"No, it's fine. You have every right to have felt that way about this." I said after gaining back my composure. "But after giving it a thought, it doesn't seem so bad to me. You're a good person I have always felt that and you'll make any woman happy whoever you marry, I'm pretty sure.. so why not me. I want to be happy too and make my family happy at the same time. We could do that together, make everyone happy. It's just what I felt in that moment and I agreed so quickly to what Dad said." He continued to listen attentively without interrupting me. "But I also do understand if you don't want this, Zirak. I wouldn't want to drag you along into something like this if you don't feel the same way. I'll tell them tomorrow and end it as soon as possible. Don't worry, okay?"

"When did I say I didn't feel the same way?" Zirak suddenly expressed. "I just wanted to know if you did too because.. you have had a past relationship and this is something very serious. It would change a lot of things. Would you be happy then?"

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