Chapter 21

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Breaking news.. my good-for-nothing life! I'm in a freaking relationship now! I know right? This cant be happening to me. Oh my god! Is this even real or I'm just dumbly dreaming about it?

My god.. It isn't a dream. It is real. Very real for sure. My gosh! And it is really happening.

Luke Davenhall. The guy I dreamed of and longed for is actually mine. Who would have thought?

It's beyond my understanding. We are officially dating each other now and to be honest, its like residing in heaven. He looks at me as if I'm his dream come true when actually in real, he is mine.

We hold hands but don't kiss that often because of me being extra careful and obviously shy in public. It's like he can't stop reaching out to touch me every now and then as if under a magical love spell.

I enjoy his cute little clumsy efforts especially his grand declaration of love yesterday in the cafeteria in front of all. That amazing moment would stay with me forever even if someday in the future he decides to leave me. I'll always remember and cherish the face I saw, those twinkling blue eyes, that wide grin expressing that nothing else matters not even the world around him. That is exactly the way I'll always remember him in my heart.. no matter where our lives take us.

That's my Luke I had been so in love with and still am to this day.

"I'm leaving, Ma." I yelled back as I walked over to the front door carrying my usual college bagpack on one shoulder and a half eaten grilled sandwich in the other hand.

"Have a nice day, honey.." Mom yelled over from the kitchen. I then, came out from the building and took the sidewalk slowly making my way towards college.

All of a sudden loud honks of a car just beside me brought me to a halt. I immediately recognized the color which was black and the type which was SLR McLaren 722 roadster that it's his.

Yupp, Luke Davenhall, the showoff.

The window slid down and there, he sat tapping with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding the gear. He looked way better than the last time I had seen him, less scarier and more approachable. He wore a blue striped polo shirt and blue denims, had his favorite aviator classics on and chewed on what was probably his favorite mint flavored gum.

"Hey babe," He smirked with arrogance. "Wanna ride?" I guess some 'things' never change. Like men acting too full of themselves even when not necessary.

"No, thank you, fine gentlemen. I think I'll prefer to walk like usual." I smartly answered then took a big bite of the rest of the sandwich in my hand to scare him off. His face fell immediately and I smugly moved on, I then heard his tires roll and slowly his car was beside me again.

"Oh come on! I was just being funny. Girls dig this look of mine."

"Oh.. do they?" I asked sarcastically. "But unfortunately I'm not one of those girls, sorry." I replied teasingly then walked on further.

"Hey! What the.." I heard him yell back as I began to walk ahead again giggling all the way. I was enjoying this attention of his. "Would you stop this now and get in the car already?"

"Stop what? I'm just going to college like I do everyday. You're the one whose following me like a creep with this giant of a car."

"Creep.. really Anastasia?" he paused for a second. "God! You're... "

"I'm what? Huh?" Annoying. I know. But only to you just to test your capacity to handle me.

"Damn beautiful.." He murmured with a heavy sigh, looking intently into my eyes making my heartbeat faster as always. "And this is why I can't stop myself from following you in this very giant." This time he meant it genuinely making me smile warmly.

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