Chapter 8

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@@@@@Author's note@@@@@

Hey pretty people. Do vote, share and leave back your views in the comments below. I love hearing from you all and knowing your interest in the story.

If you wish to hear the music over which Anya and Poppy gave their brilliant performance for the auditions then the link's attached in this chapter. Happy reading! Next update will be soon!


Days were gradually passing by forcing me to ignore the silly stuff simultaneously happening in my life and be on my ordinary road to graduation.

"Hey Good morning! What you doing out here?" Allen enquired the moment he saw me standing in one of the campus grounds searching for the devil in Prada.

"Hey Allen. Nothing.. just.. um looking for Poppy as usual whose been missing out on her classes lately."

"Why? She must be making out with that Jase guy she talked about. Remember? Don't bother." He replied.

"Uh. Yeah, see that's the thing there. I wouldn't bother at all if only she didn't have my notes that I currently require for my next class so.. I need to find her."

"Oh. Bummer.. Mind If I join you? Like help you out? I'm free anyway." He grinned.

"Be my guest." I shrugged.

"Right. Did you check the sports ground?" He asked as our eyes scanned the area meanwhile.

"No but I'm headed that way."

"Oh. Let's go then."

We continued our search looking over and under each place at the sports ground where there were different courts for every professional game held in the city and then we came across my personal favourite of them all. The basketball court where I could see Luke, admire him and his strength from afar.

"Gotta admit! He sure plays extraordinarily well. That crush of yours." Allen praised as we both stared from outside the court at the basketball game being played inside with so much vigor and chastity.

"He plays hard and practices harder just to be his father's pride." I smiled remembering those victorious moments of his last year's efforts to win the inter college tournament.

"He sure wants to remain the best forever.

I just wish that he becomes one day and make his father proud." I murmured and Allen nudged me teasingly.

"With your blessings, Lady Galadriel, he surely will in no time but we have other pressing matters to take care of, shall we now?" Allen mockingly teased and then pointed in the direction where I could clearly see Poppy making out with Jase whitmore under the shade of the huge oak tree.

"Yupp! Told you didn't I? Don't bother." Allen said while I boiled in rage seeing her indiscreet raunchy action.

"She's so gonna die this time!" We marched towards her.

"Poppy!" I shouted but received no response in return just Allen's girly giggles filled with humiliation.

I screamed out again but she seemed too occupied in pleasing her man. That's it! I picked up a small pebble from underneath and threw at her in aggression but it unexpectedly hit Jase's forehead breaking off their weird make-out session.

"Shit!" I cussed.

"What the..." Jase touched his bruised forehead then glared at us standing at a short distance from him rendering an apologetic awkward smile.

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