Chapter 32

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Author's note

Sorry for late update, please vote, share your amazing views/feedback, anything you would like to see in the coming chapters, let me know and of course share. Until next update! Enjoy and takecre pretty readers!


It's been exactly a month since we broke up on that fateful graduation day and we haven't spoken ever since. It's like I have been keeping a track of the time passed since it happened because there is nothing else I can do.

I wonder if he keeps track too and thinks about us the same way as I do. It seems as if our story has become old and forgotten already.

I guess, that's life. Accept and make peace with it like he has because we are done and dusted.

"Whoa! Is that a gold bracelet? Who gave you that?" Poppy suddenly enquired as we sat together with Allen at a cafe nearby my place on a friday.

"Yes and um, Zirak. He, uh gifted it."

"Oh interesting. So he's the new guy in your life right now, huh?" Poppy nudged me with teasing grin.

"Poppy please. There's nothing like that. We are just.. good friends."

"Funny. I never knew good friends gave such expensive out-of-the-budget gifts to one another. I never got one from you, by the way." She snickered and I was speechless for a second or two.

"Oh come on, Poppy. Give it a rest, will you? How do you even know it isn't in his budget. He works and that explains he must earn well to gift her that so just stop assuming things and leave her be." Allen defensively interrupted.

"Yeah sure. That must be it, Anya's savior. You're so intelligent that it makes me wanna puke. God!" She rolled her eyes and responded sarcastically.

"Whatever, go puke then. Anya, I know this is the millionth time I'm asking you this but still I want to. Are you doing alright? How is your family now especially your Dad?"

"He is good and everyone's doing fine, I'm fine, Allen. Thanks for asking."

"Good. I'm glad everything's fine at your end. Sorry, we didn't get to catch up but I got the details from Poppy regarding Luke coming over and all hell breaking loose at your place." He spoke keeping his concerned hand over mine and giving it a little squeeze.

"It's fine, Allen. I.. I'm over it now."

"Of course she's over it! Now that she has Zirak instead of Luke to look after her. He's the new man in her life so all's rainbowy in goody two shoe's world, isn't it?" Poppy smiled optimistically.

"Poppy, stop this. She's with no one. She already said so they are just friends. What's wrong with you?!" Allen angrily bursted.

"Fine, you two. Ignore the obvious but I'm telling you, he is the real man for Anya. I mean, Luke's all rich and complete hotness but when it comes to relationship and love, he's been slow and unstable. It's never been a smooth ride for you two, always a rollercoaster one. I mean it was bizarre! On and off, on and off then on again. Gosh! I'm glad, it's over, you know. I really think you need stability, Anya and that's Zirak. He's cute and actually a responsible guy after what he did for your father." Poppy expressed blatantly.

"Thank you for the not needed advice, Poppy but I'm fine without having a partner right now. I really am seriously." I somehow managed to put across my feelings.

"See, I told you. Now can we please stop about boys and relationship crap and like acknowledge the fact that we are all in our final year. Let's go out and celebrate for heaven's sake!" Allen rejoiced. I managed to agree with a half-hearted smile as we headed towards a nearby cafe after classes for drinks and evening snacks.

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