Chapter 31

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@@@@@Author's Note@@@@@@

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It's said don't fall if there's no one to catch you but I fell nevertheless.
It just happened, love at first sight.

Never imagined it would ever be reciprocated but it was immensely and I'm so grateful for that, to him.

Who am I? A nobody but still weird things kept happening one by one and as per circumstances we were brought face-to-face, day after day like it was meant to be.

We couldn't control the events neither could we control our emotions and the time together was.. just beyond epical but as they say all good things come to an end and so did our relationship.

It's been two whole weeks since that horrible confrontation between Luke and Dad. I guess he has given up and moved on too.

I read in the newspaper somewhere that Dad handed me few days back.

He was seen with his new ladylove at a charity event organized by her father. It wasn't Rebecca I figured but someone equally and absolutely beautiful.

Good for him I guess. After all who would want to associate with such crazy bunch of people especially of different culture.

Nothing's changed though.

My parents are the same and so is my bratty brother.

Our apartment's where it's always been and my friends are the same, Poppy's still going strong with Jase and Allen's nerdy as ever.

Same college but different faculty and coursework because it's final year now and I'm a senior fortunately.

I'll soon be graduating and everything else is just fine.

Not great but just.. plain fine.

Anyways write to you soon, Diary.

I stepped out of my college campus and headed towards the supermarket since Mom said she wanted some groceries and who else could remember the long list of items than her sharp minded daughter.

Although I wouldn't say that about me these days since I'm rarely in focus and mostly absent-minded.

It's like a part of me that lived, loved and cared freely is no more.

Gone, erased completely. Now I have become more closed off than I previously was.

It's like a disease without a cure that I have caught on since Luke and I tragically separated.

"Hey, you here?"

I looked up from the bottle of nutella in my hand whose calories I was trying to figure out since I read somewhere chocolate helps dealing with stress and breakups so why not.

"Zirak?" I was surprised to see him in a supermarket of all the places.

"Hey hi. I was just about to call you today. What a coincidence." He then walked upto me with a wide smile.

"Yeah. Um.. good to see you too." I replied back. "What are you doing here?"

"Uh. Same as you. Grocery shopping. By the way, what's up with the nutella bottle? eh?" He grinned and I didn't know how to tell him that this is just my post breakup stress buster.

"Uh, it's just.. I.."

"Hey. Chill. I crave chocolate too and some days a lot of it." He chuckled with a wide grin. "I mean only a fool could resist something so heavenly, right?"

Fusion of LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora