Chapter 36

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@@@@@Author's Note@@@@@@

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Darkness and silence was all I could experience as I looked around trying to find my way out of this black abyss.

Where was I?

Suddenly I heard horrible screams and as I turned my head the other way to see where that sound came from, I was completely terrified.

I saw Anya burning before my eyes.
Flames engulfed her as she cried in pain. What was happening? I just saved her then why is she still suffering? I quickly ran towards her to save her but the more distance I covered, the farther she seemed.

What's happening?!

"Hold on, Anya! I'm coming!" I yelled out but my voice made no sound.

I grabbed onto my neck and tried to put more efforts to speak but nothing happened. I felt scared and helpless.

What's going on?!

I then, watched her beautiful fragile body slowly turning hideous before my eyes as the skin began to melt and bones began to show turning her into nothing but blood and ashes. I couldn't take it anymore and finally screamed to get out of this nightmare.


My eyes instantly opened in reality as I made it out of a bad dream before I lost my mind completely. My throat pained and I was covered in sweat and bandages as I breathed harder.

I then looked around the place, there was light and I was resting comfortably over a bed now. There was no fire anywhere and neither was Anya burning in it.

"Thank god! Luke, everything's fine, sweetie, we are here for you. How are you feeling now?" Just then, Mom's worried face appeared before my eyes as she gently hugged me.

I looked behind her and there was my father too standing at the corner of the room with folded arms.

"Wh-What happened? Where am I?"

"Where else, darling? In the hospital."

"Hospital?" That's when my memory bounced back and I suddenly remembered everything.

The pulling of my lifeless body out of the fire along with hers. We were rescued and that means we did make it out of that life threatening incident together and few seconds back, what I saw, that was just a nightmare I dreamt of and it wasn't real. I was relieved as I realised the same.

"Everything's going to be fine now, baby. You're safe now." She said protectively.

"What about her?" I couldn't see Anya anywhere. If we were saved together, then why wasn't she here too next to me. That unsettled me.

"Uh, wh-who, dear?" Mom nervously enquired like she didn't know what I was talking about.

"Anya, Mom. Why isn't she here?! Where is she?"

"Oh, uh, that girl.. she.. she.. "

"She.. what, Mom?!" I couldn't help but yell in frustration at my own mother. I didn't like it but I really had to know the truth.

"She is going to be dead soon." My father spoke up all of a sudden, as he walked over and stood next to my bed now.


"And there's nothing you can do about it, Son so just lie down and get some rest. You shouldn't utilise your energy so much."

"No, that's.. you are lying! It's a lie!" I shouted at him angrily.

Fusion of LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin