"The Golden Company are in King's Landing?" Varys asked, confused. "Isn't that dangerous?"

Rhaenar nodded. "It is, but they are to escort the Redcloaks to home to join the side that they chose. I am hoping for a moment of animosity between the two of us, for us to return her soldiers, while our own return back with a degree of safety." If Cersei was dumb enough to attack her soldiers, than Rhaenar would release all that she had upon the capital - bringing the battle of King's Landing closer than either of them were ready for. Cersei was on the losing side, doing such an act would be foolish when she severely lacked the numbers.

"That's a big hope." Jorah muttered from beside her, drawing Rhaenar's attention to him as she nodded.

"Yes, it appears so. But, if we have any chance of battling the Army of the Dead, we need to take our chances." Rhaenar said, turning back to look at them all.

A muffled mutter broke out amongst the group, shock radiating across all their faces but most clearly in Ser Barristan's and Tyrion's. She had promised Ser Barristan she wouldn't get involved, but this was more than just her fight, this would be the fight of the Seven Kingdoms. "You're joining Jon Snow?" Tyrion asked, Rhaenar nodded.

"Jon Snow urged me to see reason, and I did. I agreed that we would join him in fighting this deadly force, but only once I had spoken to my commanders." That was Qotho and Shaqafi. "I've already mentioned this to Harry and Torgo, both of whom have agreed to travel North with us. I still have yet to talk to Westerosi Lords about them lending their forces to this cause." Rhaenar spoke with clarity.

"And when were you planning to inform us of your choice? Before or after we were to sail?" Tyrion asked, agitation filling him at being the last to know. He was her hand, they were supposed to discuss these things.

The indigo narrowed, Aegon glazing with wide eyes at his tone. "I am telling you now. Jon Snow is not asking us to sail right this moment, he doesn't know when the Night King and his Army will break through the wall. So that at least gives us time to rally the forces of the Seven Kingdoms."

"You want to take this fight beyond us?" Aegon questioned.

She turned to look at him. "If we have any fighting chance of keeping numbers, and not depleting armies in this fight. We will need these Lords. But, first I need to talk to my commanders." She shifted her eyes to her two Dothraki commanders, their gaze unsure. "Will you join us? The Dothraki fight differently to others, their knowledge of how to fight on horseback could prove beneficial in this war." She knew that they knew the common tongue, but she had to appeal to them; they commanded the army, they could always disagree.

Shaqafi nodded instantly. "I will pledge my girls to you." She agreed, smiling. Rhae smirked, she knew she could count on Shaqafi, the hardest fight would be Qotho.

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