We walked away and Ginny looked at me. "I wonder how many times that man has been obliviated."

"You really don't want to know," Tia muttered. "At least we're not Ludo Bagman, talking about Quidditch at the top of his lungs in front of the Muggles."

"Shouldn't he know better?" Hermione wondered. "Yes," Tia sighed. "Here we are!"

We went into our tent, which was bigger on the inside. "Get comfy, girls," Tia smiled. "I'm going to check in on Arthur and the boys."

The three of us sat on one of the beds. "So what should we do? Do we have snacks?" Ginny asked the most important questions.

"Well, we have to collect some water, I've got Tia's map, let's go," I muttered.

The three of us stood up and left the tent. "Tia! We're collecting water!"

"Bring the map!" she shouted.

Me, Hermione and Ginny walked across the moor with a kettle and saucepans.

The other campers on the moor were starting to wake up as the sun rose, they were all starting to cook breakfast for their families. "Any snacks?" Ginny asked me. "I left them in the tent," I told her. "Nice, kick a girl when she's down," she pouted. "Give over, we won't be long, Tia's making chocolate chip pancakes anyway, as soon as we bring the water back."

"Pancakes," Ginny was basically drooling and me and Hermione laughed at her.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed once I saw a burst of green in the moor. "Joy! Hermione!" Seamus came up to us. "Like the decorations?"

"Very green," Hermione pointed out. "Well, the Bulgarians are worse than us," Mrs Finnegan told us.

"Should we check out the Bulgarians?" I asked Hermione and Ginny.


We already found Harry and Ron at the Bulgarian supporter tents. Ron had his mouth hanging open. I stuck my hand under his chin, pushing it closed. "Careful, you might attract some flies there, Ronald."

"It's Viktor Krum!" Ron started fanboying. "IT'S VIKTOR KRUM, JOY!" he seized my hoodie and started shaking me.

"Yes, I can see that, I'm not blind you know," I muttered. "Stop shaking me!"

I went over to the well that was nearby and I collected the water in the saucepans and kettles. "Well, I'm hungry, so I'm going back to the tents."

"I'll keep an eye on them," Hermione offered as me and Ginny walked back.

"I need a nap," I sighed. "Yes same here," Ginny yawned.

We made it back to the tent with the water. "Tia, can I get some shut eye?" I asked her.

"Go on, I'll wake you when lunch is ready," she said.

I only got about an hour and a half of sleep before the aroma of bacon hit my nose.

I poked my head outside. "Bacon, I smell bacon."

"Damn your heightened senses," Ginny muttered. "Ahoy there, Arthur!" a man in yellow and black robes came over to us.

"Ah the man of the moment," Mr Weasley said. "Everyone, this is Ludo Bagman."

Percy, who had Apparated in about ten minutes ago, had his hand outstretched.

"Lick-arse," I whispered to Ginny, making her giggle.

"Ah, yes, that's my son Percy, he just started at the Ministry," Mr Weasley told him. "This is Fred, George, Bill, Charlie, Ron, my daughter Ginny, my son's friends, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Joy Jones and Joy's aunt, Tatiana Jones."

"I've been doing bets all day, I have been," Bagman told Mr Weasley. "Any takers?"

"I'll put five Galleons on Ireland there, Ludo," Tia told him. "Can I bet?" I asked her. "No more than five missy," she told me. "Want to do the same as me?"

I nodded. "Joy here will put three on the same."

Fred and George ended up betting every single Knut, Sickle and Galleon they had. "You two are going to end up regretting that," Mr Weasley sighed. "Oh, Molly's going to kill me."

"Do you have any brew there, Arthur?" Bagman asked him. "Have to keep an eye out for Crouch."

Tia tensed up. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "Barty Crouch is the tosser who put Sirius in Azkaban without a trial," she whispered to me.

She took a swig of pumpkin juice. A crack made her jump. Barty Crouch himself had just Apparated next to the tent. He gave Tia a bit of a dirty look. "Jones."

"Crouch," she said bitterly. "Who's this young lady?"

"My niece, Joanna," she answered him. "Joanna, meet the bane of my existence."

"Hello, Tia's bane of existence," I said, playing along. Crouch just shook his head and Tia smirked at me.

"Mr Crouch!" Percy greeted him enthusiastically. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

"Why, yes, thank you, Weatherby," Crouch muttered. Fred and George both snorted and Percy went bright pink. "Been busy Barty?" Bagman asked him. "Well, organising Portkeys from five different continents is keeping me busy," Crouch told him.

"Well we've also got to look forward to..."

"Shush!" Crouch scolded him. "These kids will know soon enough, I'm sure Tatiana has told Jo..."

"I haven't," she interrupted him.

"Don't you let your personal opinions get in the way, Jones," Crouch grumbled. "You want me to take that stick out of your..."

"Tia!" I elbowed her. "Not in public."

I looked at her. "So, you're organising the event in Hogwarts?"

"I have no choice," she told me. "If I did then I wouldn't."

"Is it dangerous?" I asked her. "Very," Tia nodded. "And I don't want to work with Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Tosser over there."


All of us were climbing up the stands and Harry bought me Omnioculars from a salesman to watch the match with. "Thank you," I pecked him on the cheek, making him turn red. "You sure you don't want me to pay you back?"

"No, it's fine," Harry reassured me. "Why does your aunt hate Crouch?"

"He's the one who booted our dear Snuffles to Azkaban without a trial," I explained to him. "She hates him."

"So, what's this big event in Hogwarts then?" Harry wondered. "I have no idea," I shrugged. "Tia wanted no part but was forced against her will."

"This thing will be dangerous then, won't it?" Harry asked me.

"All I know is that someone will either end up seriously injured or dead."

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