Vampire Romance 1

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I was in a new world, and I was most definitely not happy.

Why am I in a coffin? I better not be buried alive in this story! Unless... this couldn't be another zombie apocalypse right? With me as the zombie? I would like to absolutely refuse that setting, thanks!

Feeling around in the pitch darkness, I noted that my skin was smooth and unbroken, without signs of rotting, causing me to sigh with relief. I also found that I seemed to be wearing a silk dress.

Well... at least if I'm a zombie, I'm a well-dressed one.

I reached up nervously and pushed on the coffin lid, half expecting it not to move due to the weight of dirt and such I must be buried under. To my surprise it opened easily, the lidding slamming on its hinges as if I had kicked it full force rather than lightly pressed against it.

Light! Finally!I sat up and looked around. It appeared that I was in a large, lavishly decorated room. There were no windows, the only light in the room provided by multiple candles, which numbered in the hundreds.

That must be a huge pain to keep changing those out.

The ceiling was high above me, fading into darkness. The walls were decorated with intricate paintings with golden frames as well as dark red banners with silver symbols sewn into them. Everywhere i looked there was something expensive and luxurious looking.

Am I rich in this world? Sweet!

I climbed out of the coffin, noting that it was placed in the center of the room, made of a dark well polished wood and lined with red velvet.

A rich... goth?

I looked around the room, happy to note that there was a mirror hanging on one wall in an ornate frame. Standing in front of it, I felt surprised by my appearance. It was definitely... different... from the last world.

As an elf, I had been tall, slender with long golden hair (prior to the dark magic transition of course), green eyes and delicate features.

Now I had bright red hair that hung in waves to my waist, pale white skin and red eyes to match.

I was also short.

Isn't this a little too short? I had been about 6'3'' in my previous life in the elf world, and I felt I was a good foot shorter now. I was also more... filled out. I grabbed my chest, mildly impressed.

Pretty decent curves in this world. Neat!

"Would you like some privacy to grope yourself longer Miss, or should we get the day started?" A dry voice called out, startling me.

I dropped my hands, turning around to see a tall slender woman in a butler outfit, with slicked back short dark hair, and a expressionless face that somehow managed to be disdainful at the same time.

Shoot, I don't have my character's memories yet! What should I call her?!

"Hello... Lady butler person!"

Oof. Not smooth.

The woman raised an eyebrow. "Did you hit your head climbing out of your coffin? You're somehow even stranger than normal... Miss."

Does she really work for me? It seems like that "Miss" was said super grudgingly!

"I'm just a bit out of it after sleeping too long." I tried to explain it vaguely, but she nodded as though this made sense.

"You did sleep for 2 years this time. "

2 years?!!

"I always believed that your kind were very industrious, at least that's what the legends said." She sighed. "Obviously they hadn't met you."

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