Zombie Apocalypse 4

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"So, you have to put more strength into kneading the dough."

I sat off to the side of the makeshift kitchen, polishing my sword, listening as Liam explained patiently to the tearful heroine how to make bread.

"But my arms are getting tired." Hannah sighed, her face dismal as she stared at the lumpy dough in front of her. "Maybe I'm just too weak?"

"Nonsense!" Liam patted her shoulder, "Just put all the love in your heart into behind your motions. After all, if you don't make this bread, Eric will go hungry!"

"NO, I won't let that happen!" Suddenly invigorated, Hannah pushed the dough with surprising strength. Pausing in her movements, she looked up at Liam. "Is that why you're so good at cooking? Because you put all your love for Boss into it?"

"Unfortunately, no."

Liam's answer surprised me. Trying not to be obvious, I leaned closer, making sure I could hear their every word, staring down at my sword, watching him in the blade's reflection that had been polished to a mirror shine.


"You see... if I put my love for your boss into my kneading..." He took a portion of the dough and pushed down on it."


The counter under his hand split down the middle, the bottom of both sides crumpling into the ground

"My love is just too strong." He continued sadly.

What do you mean "my love is too strong"?? Aren't you just ridiculously powerful?

Hannah didn't share my skepticism. "WOW! That's so amazing! I have so much room to improve to reach your standard!"

No one expects you to crack the counter while kneading dough, though.

I did have to admit, her skill and strength did seem to improve with Liam's "motivational talk." As they placed her dough in the oven, Hannah rubbed her hands, wincing slightly.

"I'm so tired and sore."

"WHAT ARE YOU MAKING HER DO?" At Jason's angry shout, I stared up at the ceiling, sighing.

"Do you know how to speak at a normal volume?"

I felt tired. Every time Jason was around, he was unreasonably hostile. I had adjusted better to this new character, no longer feeling overwhelming fear whenever I saw him, but it was still uncomfortable to be shouted at every single time we interacted.

"Hannah is learning how to cook." I tried to keep my voice calm and reasonable.

"Are you trying to make her into your servant?!" Jason stepped closer, a threatening air around him. "Hannah is fine the way she is! She doesn't have to do anything for you!"

"Hannah," I called out. "Are we forcing you to learn how to cook?"

Hannah smiled brightly. "No, Boss! I'm so excited that I get a chance to learn so many things!"

Defeated by the heroine's cheerful aura, Jason stepped back, glaring at me silently.

I'm done with this.I stood up, sheathing my sword with a fluid motion.

"Grow up. You may not like the fact that's she's learning, changing, but it was never up to you. You think you're protecting her by not forcing her to change? We live in the apocalypse! Change is the only way for her to survive! You're only hurting her by keeping her in a safe, useless bubble."

It was the point that stuck out to me the most about this story. With a highly competent male lead and second male lead, why was the heroine such dead weight? At first I had assumed it was lack of motivation on her part, but after interacting with her for even a short amount of time, it was clear that it wasn't the case. I had never met anyone so enthusiastic about improving herself. Which left only one explanation:

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