Sci Fi 7 (End)

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The atmosphere in the conference room was tense.

"The numbers don't look good." General Gladus stared at the display with a frustrated sigh. "We just have the few Mechs stationed in the Fifteenth Sector. The Hive have a full colony... thousands of drones, directed by a Queen. They have already landed on the nearest moon, destroying the defense base there, and will be within striking distance of the planet in..." He rechecked his numbers. "Eighteen hours."

Pointing his finger at the hologram, the display zoomed in on the larger dot surrounded by countless other smaller red dots. "The Queen is the key. She controls all the drones. If we take her out, we can halt the invasion long enough for true reinforcements to arrive."

I nodded, trying to follow along. "So if we don't have the numbers to defend the planet, we go on the attack and try to strike the Queen?"

"It can take a whole squadron to take out a Queen. " He quickly put a damper on my excitement, frowning. "A normal Hive drone is the size of a human. She's larger than two Mechs put together, around six stories tall, with armor to match."

I thought about the story, what I knew about what technology was available years ahead... Hadn't Chris gotten a special Mech to fight Queens? "What about a bigger Mech? Big enough to take on the Queen?"

The general paused at that. "The military engineers at the academy have been working on some prototypes... but the bigger a Mech is, the harder it is to control. In a few years we might have one that a single Guardian could operate, but the ones we have now? No one would have the capability..."

"I do." I interrupted, speaking with certainty. "Let Liam and I try it."

"Honey, I know you're a Grade S Guardian, but..."

"I'm more than that. You remember that I almost destabilized? It was because of a sudden increase of my power" Because I'm not really your daughter. "I'm much more powerful than a grade S... " I reached out and grabbed Liam's hand. "And that's not even to mention our 100% resonance match."

Liam grinned, squeezing my hand. "Trust us, General. Alaira and I can fly anything they can build!"

The General stared at us, obviously unnerved at the idea of sending his daughter into the worst of the fighting. I reached out and grabbed his hand. "Trust me, Dad. I'll make you proud."

"..." He let out a long sigh. "I'm already more proud than I could ever be..." He rubbed his forehead. "Fine. Let's see if you can work the thing... but if you can't move it perfectly, then the plan gets canceled. I'm not sending you out there to die."

"Thank you!" Awkwardly hugging him, I felt a twinge of guilt as he patted my back gently.

I wish your daughter could be here to feel your love and pride in her.

"Don't celebrate too soon... Even if you're big enough to take on a Queen, we still have to get you to her."

I stepped closer to the display, studying it. "She's directly in the center of the army... hiding away on the moon in the ruins of the defense base. With their numbers versus ours... we just don't have the firepower to get there."

Warning! Mission Failure Imminent!

As the blue writing and loud warning appeared only to me, I felt no fear, no terror at my imminent doom. It was now more annoying than anything else.

If you're not going to suggest anything helpful, then shut up!


SHUT UP! I screamed in my head, feeling a thread of shadowy power emerge from around me, erasing the words from existence.

The warning fell silent.

Please Fix the Story!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora