Shopping for "little" Turtle

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(Peril PoV)

the nap I had with Turtle curled up in my wings was wonderful. One of the best naps I had ever had in my life. But of course, I just had to wake up at a really adorable part of a dream I was having. Turtle called me auntie right in front of his mother. It was really just so adorable. I looked at Turtle, seeing him still asleep and drooling a little bit.

"Turtle, sweetie, it's time to get up. You've naped long enough and we still need to go shopping for you," I said while shaking him gently

(Turtle PoV)

I whined as I blinked awake to being shoke. Looking at Peril made me realize I didn't dream wetting myself infront of her. So, I did the only thing I could think of. I got up and ran off, running through the palace halls. crying as I did. All the while I could feel a lot of pressure building in my stomach. Didn't even notice I ran past Ruby until I heard someone chasing after me and I looked back.

"Prince Turtle, stop running," Ruby said as she quickly caught up to me and wrapped her wings around me, "What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream? Did you wake with a wet or stinky diaper? Are you just really stressed out?" Ruby asked while rubbing my back gently and sticking a talon in my diaper which is thankfully still dry and clean

"No, I d-didn't have a b-bad dream. I d-didn't use my d-diaper. S-so yea, t-this is j-just really s-stressful and e-embarrasing," I explained between sobs while burying my face in her chest, "And I-I really need t-to go p-potty,"

"Ok, well, lets get you calmed down a little first. Then we'll go shopping for your new things. But, I'm sorry Turtle, you've lost your potty privalages. You are wearing your potty. I expect you to use it. So be a good boy and potty in your diapee for auntie and I'll change you right away." Ruby coo'd at me while rubbing my belly in gently circles while applying light pressure

I whimpered and squirmed as she did so. Farting a few times before I lost control and messed my diaper. Soaking it too as my bladder gave out. All I could do was just cry as Ruby led me back to her throne room and laid be down next to Peril. Thankfully Ruby made quick work to change me. Though I would've preferred her to leave the diaper off.

"Don't try running off again turtle. You could've fallen and gotten hurt," Peril said sternly

"It's ok Peril, he ran past me trying to find a potty while crying. I caught him and helped him go in his diaper like he's supposed to now," Ruby said while pinching my cheek

"Stop, don't do that," I said as my crying started to die down while gently batting at Rubys claw

"Turtle, if you weren't even slightly enjoying this. You would've stopped it by now. We are pretty much powerless to your magic. The fact you haven't used it to stop us, Is pretty telling. So just be a good boy and lay there while the adults decide where to go," Peril says as she sits up

I couldn't stop a intense blush that turned my whole face bright red. So i did what any rational dragon would do. I hid my face in my wings. It was just so embarrassing. Mainly because they are right. There is a part of me that is enjoying this somewhat.

(Peril PoV)

"Awwww, such a cute little blush. I think you're right. He is enjoying this," I said while chuckling

"Yup, now, let's go get our shopping done. But first, Turtle sweetie, I want you to make yourself a safety harness with a tether that keeps you attached to Peril. Don't need you running off if you get scared," Ruby said while gently pushing Turtles wings away from his face

"But..." Turtle tried to say before I shushed him by putting a talon to his lips "Turtle, your Auntie Ruby told you to do something. Keep in mind she is the Queen," I said while looking at him expectantly

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