Darky goes potty

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(Darkstalker PoV)

        I stared in wonder at all the toys in the toy store. Mom let me stare while chuckling at my amazed face. Having never seen such a selection before I started to wander the store. Mom was always just a few paces behind me. I took my time going through the aisles of toys. The store has everything from toys for hatchlings, some board games, card games, playsets, play clothes, and plushies. I stopped dead in my tracks staring at the selection of plushies there are. 

I heard my mom chuckle at my surprised state, "Go ahead and pick two, sweetie," Mom said as she patted my diapered butt

"I tought you said only one?" I asked with my head tilted to the side, my words sounding a bit slurred due to the pacifier I have to keep in my mouth

"You've been a really good boy, and that surprised look was just so adorable I have to let you get two. So go ahead and pick out your plushies," Mom said smiling warmly at me.

             I looked at my options for plushies while walking. They had plushies of all the different dragon tribes in many different types of colors. Even some that I know they can't be. Like a pink icewing for instance. They also had some normal animal plushies. I kept being drawn to a green seawing and for some odd reason the pink icewing. So I picked them both out. 

Mom chuckled at my choice of the pink icewing. "What are you going to name them sweetie?" Mom asked as she led me up to the counter, taking the plushies from my talons to pay for them

"Uhhh," I stared at the pink one for a few moments trying to think of something not so childish, but that failed, "da pink one is pinkie and da gween one is fathom," I answered, cringing at how my voice sounds around a pacifier

"Awww, those are adorable names sweetie. Now come on, we still have some more shopping to do," Mom said after she paid and gave me back my plushies

"I can't believe I actually named a plushie pinkie. How was that the only name to come to my head for it? Moons, I these diapers have got to be messing with my head, or maybe it's the pacifier? A... combo of both maybe?" I thought nervously while suckling my pacifier and hugging pinkie and fathom

"Weally?" I asked in a whine

"Yes really, still need to get some groceries and find a home," Mom said as she led me out of the toy store and back into the open where we started to walk down the street

            I whined more and nudged my way under moms wing, still clutching my plushies. Mom smiled seeing me under her wing and suckling my pacifier. She thankfully let me stay there as we got to the markets. I whimpered as a good number of the dragons around us started to point and laugh. 

(Foeslayer PoV)

         I started growling and snarling at the dragons laughing at Darky. He looked on the verge of tears and I just wasn't having it. Luckily they all backed off and we could finish our walk to the real estate agency in peace. I spent maybe all of 10 minutes there looking through the listings until I found the one I wanted. then I spent another 20 filling out all the paperwork. Once that was done I led Darky to the food stalls to buy groceries. 

"If you see any sweets you want, tell me and I'll get you them. Ok, sweetie?" I asked while rubbing his head

"Otay mama," Darky said in response

"Moons, you sound so adorable talking with your pacifier in your mouth," I said pinching Darkys' cheek

"mama," Darky whined, "Can we jus get da shopping done alweady. I need to go poo poo,"

         That's when I noticed Darkys' tail had gone between his legs. I smiled and sat down, rubbing his head. I giggled slightly hearing the slight rustling of his cloth diaper as he sat down. I still can't get over how adorable he looks with a poofy diaper secured tightly around his butt.

"You know the rules sweetie. Go poo-poo now and I'll change you right away. But wait and I won't change you till we get home. So do you want to walk, or should I say, waddle around with a stinky diaper between your hind legs? Or do you want to go potty now and get changed?" I asked, giving his diaper a few pats

(Darkstalker PoV)

        I started crying as I pushed and grunted. Already knowing I'd rather face the humiliation of a public diaper change than walk around with a poopy diaper on. I hugged Fathom and Pinkie for comfort as I suckled on my pacifier. I don't know how long I was pooping, but at some point, I felt my bladder release. After what felt like an eternity I finished and felt mamas' wings wrap around me.

"There, that wasn't so hard, now was it?" Mama asked

"N-no mama," I answered still sniffling

"Good, now let's change my little hatchling. We can't leave him in a stinky diaper," 

            I then felt mama lay me down. I started to hug my plushies tighter, suckle my pacifier harder, and close my eyes as I felt mama start to change me. I heard her tease me while changing me. I didn't really care. I just wanted to be home and not be stared at by so many dragons. 

"Ok, all done sweetie. we just need to pick up a few more things then we can go home," Mama said while helping me sit up

        I nodded still sniffling as I walked alongside mama. I didn't see any treats I wanted, so I didn't ask. As we got closer to finishing shopping I started to feel really tired. The amount of energy the whole day took from me leaving me like a fire blast from a mudwing. I yawned and next thing I know, I'm falling asleep on Mamas' back as she continues her shopping.

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