Icecaps diapered night(OC story)

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(Icecap PoV)

       Icecap was up late reading a scroll, he could hear his mom moving around in the other room and just assumed she was tidying up a little. Then he got confused as to why his mom was cleaning so late at night and went out to the other room to check on her.

"Mom, why are you still up?" Ice asked as he stepped into the living room, his white scales shining slightly from the moonlight coming through a window

Ices mom looks at Ice and tilts her head "How'd you get out of your crib?" she says as she walks to him

Ice blinks a few times "Mom, I don't sleep in a crib anymore,"

Ices mom tilts her head again "How'd you get your diapee off sweetie?" Ices mother asked as she quickly wrapped a soft blanket around his waist "Let's get you back in your diapee then back to bed my little Icey,"

"Did she just call me her little Icey? She hasn't called me that since I was still in diapers." Ice thought as he looked at his mother to see massive bags under her eyes

"Mom I think you need to get some sleep,"

"I'm fine Icey, what I need to do is get you back in your diapee. Now come on." His mom said as she started to pull Ice down the hall

"Mom, you potty trained me years ago," Ice said as he tried to take the blanket off his waist

"You can't be potty trained sweetie, you're only 1," his mom said slapping his talon away from the blanket

"If I were one I don't think I'd be able to talk this well," Ice asked as his mother pulled him into his old nursery

"Plenty of dragonets can talk well at one-years-old sweetie," His mom said as she picked Ice up and put him on his old changing table that he just barely fit on

"At least the diapers should be too small for me. If they are that should snap her back to reality." Ice thought as he squirmed a little, feeling a light pressure in his bladder

"What's wrong sweetie?" His mom asked as she took the blanket off his waist

"I have to go pee." Ice said as the pressure grew stronger

"Ok sweetie, just try to hold it in until I get your diapee on, then I'll take you to the bathroom. Ok?" his mom said as she slipped one of Ices old blue cloth diapers on him which is a bit small for him, "I think I'm going to have to get bigger diapees for you,"

"How do these things still fit me?!" Ice thought as his mom picked him up and put him on the ground

         The movement of Ice being picked up was just enough to cause his bladder to loosen and flood his diaper. Ice started to sniffle as he felt himself completely soak the diaper. then he started crying as he heard dripping sounds from the diaper meaning it was leaking. He didn't even resist when his mom picked him back up and put him on the changing table again.

"I know sweetie. Mommy will make you feel better, Don't worry" His mom said as she took the soaked diaper off of him and cleaned him up before triple diapering him

"I d-don't t-think I n-need t-that many d-diapers on," Ice said between sobs while he looked at the 3 blue cloth diapers around his waist

"Well one clearly wasn't enough, and 2 still might've leaked. 3 should be enough. Do you want some warm milk before going back to bed?" His mom asked as she took a blanket and started to swaddle Ice in it

"N-no, I j-just want t-to sleep," Ice answered as his mom finished swaddling him and popped a pacifier in his mouth

"Alright sweetie, mommy's going to have you sleep in her bed with me so she can keep an eye on you," 

(Snowstorm PoV)

        Snowstorm carried her son to her room where she set him down on her bed before climbing in. She then held him in her forelegs and used her wings to make a cocoon and started to rub the back of Ices head. She smiled at Ice as he slowly drifted off to sleep, suckling the pacifier slightly. Snowstorm soon too drifted off to sleep.

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