Winter gets sick

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(Moon PoV)

            Sitting in the living room of my home with Qibli sitting next to me. Still wearing a diaper, I know he doesn't need to wear them anymore. It's been a few days since I made him wear one as punishment.  He claims he still needs them though. I find it adorable so I don't say anything besides the odd teasing. We were both just reading while cuddling with each other.

"Mommy" I heard Winter cry, but something about his voice sounded off, almost stuffy I noticed. I rushed right into his nursery, Qibli behind me

"What's wrong bud? Do you need a diapee change?" Qibli asked as he lowered Winters crib side rail

"I don't feel...." Winter started to say before sneezing

"Oh, sweetie. Come here, come to mommy," I said as I helped him stand up and get out of his crib.

       Winter whimpered and cuddled into me, hugging Cinder, his plushie. He sneezed again, this time a bit of snot hanging out of his nose. I took a rag and wiped his nose then held it over his nose. Winter seemed to get the picture because he started to blow his nose. Once he was done he coughed a bit and whimpered more.

"I think a day of bed rest is in order for you bud," Qibli said while wrapping a blanket around Winter

"Does staying in bed all day sound good Winter?" I asked rubbing the back of his head

"Yes mommy, but can you change my diaper first? I think it's messy," Winter whined

I chuckle and give his diaper a quick check, "Yup, you need a change bud," I said helping Winter onto the changing table

          Winter smiled and suckled on one of his talons while watching me change him. I chuckled and gave him his pacifier to suckle instead. I helped him back into his crib and rubbed his head a little bit.

"While we're in here does my big hatchling need a change?" I said, teasing Qibli while patting his diaper

           I giggled when I felt a squish and helped my blushing husband onto the changing table. swiftly changing him. I smiled when I heard Winters adorable giggle. Qibli did too. 

"Why don't you stay with Winter today. You two could use some more bonding time. Besides, I doubt you two hatchlings can get up to much trouble when you need me to change you both. I just have a little bit of shopping of to do. I won't be too long," I said before kissing Qibli and patting Winter on the head, leaving after that

(Winter PoV)

           I whimpered watching Moon go. I felt like crying, even started to aswell. That all stopped when I felt the warmth of sandwing scales next to me and a sandy brown wing wrap around me. I calmed down and snuggled into Qibli. Relaxing at how much he smelled like hatchling powder, that also got a small giggle from me.

"What's so funny bud?" He asked while readjusting my blankets

"Dada smells like a hatchwing," I said blushing, having forgotten how my voice sounds from around my pacifier

"I think you're just smelling yourself bud. Now try to nap for a bit. Dada's not going anywhere, ok?" Qibli said while rubbing the back of my head, helping me fall asleep

(Qibli PoV) 

          I smiled watching Winter sleep, hugging his skywing plushie tightly. I laid my head down to keep watching him. I soon found that to be a mistake because I fell asleep with my head laying on Winters' very soft crib mattress. I had pleasant dreams during my nap. Waking up, later on, was shocking when I found the side rail in the raised position. I could still feel Winter under my wing so that told me Moon is home. Probably raised the side rail because she thought Winter and I looked adorable like this. 

         I then blushed when I realized I was suckling on a pacifier that Moon must've put in my mouth. I spit it out quietly and lifted my head up. Sticking a talon inside a leg hole of Winters' diaper to check it I smiled. Finding it wet I slowly put the side rail of the crib down. Moon insisted that it be able to be opened from the inside so if Winter had to get out of bed late at night for whatever reason he could. I knew it was just a little reminder for Winter that Moon and I still fully acknowledge he's an adult. The movement of me sitting up and lowering the side rail woke up Winter. He whined sitting up.

"I'm sorry bud, I didn't mean to wake you," I said getting out of the crib and rubbing his head

"I don't feel..." Winter started to say before running out of his nursery holding his mouth shut

(Moon PoV) 

        I watched Winter run into our small washroom, dropping his plushie as he ran into it. I went into the wash room as Winter finished throwing up, hunched over a bucket. Rubbing his back slightly got a slight whimper before he threw up a little more.

"My poor hatchling. If he doesn't ask to see a doctor I think I'll be bringing him to see one," I thought as Winter whined

             I could see why He was whining. His diaper having a massive yellow and brown stain. Qibli walked in the washroom and took the bucket out of the house while I brought Winter into his nursery. Picking up his plushie with my tail as we walked. I just had Winter lay on the floor while I changed him. Humming a soft tune as I did so.

"Moon?" Winter whined, I then saw on his face the realization he didn't call me mommy or mama

"It's ok sweetie, you can call me whatever you feel like. Asking you to call me mommy or mama was really just to help you adjust to this new lifestyle. But with that said, what is it, sweetie?" I asked as I finished getting a new diaper snuggly around Winters' bottom then cleaned his face, chin, and chest before giving him cinder. 

"Can we go see the doctor. Please mama," Winter whined hugging his plushie tightly

"Yes sweetie, we can," I said smiling as I went and started to pack Winters' diaper bag

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