Darkys New Home

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(Foeslayer PoV)

              Finishing up the shopping I had to do I decided it was time to head home. I looked back at my little Darky and smiled. He looked so adorable cuddled into my back and the blanket I got him. Hugging his plushies while suckling his pacifier. It just brought a smile to my face. But, I was also aware of the mean looks dragons were giving him, so I headed for home. Swaddling Darky in his blanket with his plushies as soon as I was inside. Setting his swaddled form on the couch. Wanting him to be awake when I bring him into his new nursery. 

              It took all I had to walk away to put the groceries away. He is just so cute and so helpless looking I didn't want to leave him alone. Even if he is right across from the kitchen where I can see the couch. 

"He's just so precious looking while he sleeps like that. I think I'll swaddle him every night and whenever it's nap time. Plus it's just an extra precaution to make sure he can't run off." I think as I continue to organize everything

(Darkstalker PoV)

               A rather large bang woke me up. The combination of the loud noise and not being able to move all that much scaring me enough to make me cry in fear. I hugged Pinkie and Fathom tightly while feeling myself being lifted and cradled in mommy's forelegs. Cuddling into her, suckling my pacifier, and hugging my plushies all seemed to help. But, I was still really scared and hid my face in her chest. 

"I'm sorry for that little one. Mommy just dropped something is all. It's ok, just breath sweetie," Mommy said while she rubbed my back 

"Everything is just so big, and scary now. I feel so vulnerable now." I said while cuddling into mommy, feeling less vulnerable in her forelegs

Mommy coos slightly while nuzzling me, "I know sweetie, but you don't need to be afraid. Mommy will be right here with you all the time." 

"Really? You really will be?" I ask while looking up into her eyes

"Well as much as I can be. might have to hire a babysitter or take you to daycare once I get a job. Because I can't leave my little one all alone, you don't know how to take care of yourself," Mommy said while booping my nose

           I know what mommy was doing there when she said I don't know how to take care of myself. Just reinforcing my punishment by not letting me take care of myself and saying I can't. But I strangely didn't mind. Having someone look after me all day and give me all the attention I want is almost my original goal of being king of the world. Nevertheless what mommy said left me blushing from embarrassment.

"But I do know how to take care of myself mommy." I protested while trying to hide my blush

"Oh, sure you do. That's why you need someone to change your poopy diapers, isn't it?" Mommy asked while tickling my tummy

I started to laugh and squirm when mommy started to tickle my tummy, "Mommy stop, that tickles."

Mommy smiles and coos, "I know it does, that's why I'm doing it silly."  

I keep laughing and squirming wetting myself a little bit and whimpering, "Mommy please stop. you made me pee-pee."

Mommy raised an eye ridge as she stopped and checked my diaper. "I think this diaper can hold more sweetie. it's not that wet and I doubt you can feel anything. Now, why don't you run along and explore our new home while I start making dinner," Mommy said while undoing my swaddling

I stretch and shiver slightly being out of the swaddling, but grateful to be able to move again. "Ok mommy, I will," I say before I get set on the floor

"Alright, I'll be in the kitchen putting things away if you need me," Mommy said as she walked back the kitchen

                 I started to wander around the house, carrying fathom and pinky with me. Taking a look at the living room first and foremost. It's pretty bland, just a few couches, chairs, and a rug. Though I suppose mommy will change that by buying more things for me that match the style of how she's treating me. After getting a good look at the living room I wandered past the kitchen. Again, pretty basic, though I did notice hatchling safety latches on the cabinets. Not that I can even open them with my talons in mittens even if I wanted to. Next, the first doorway of a short hall I found...the bathroom? It certainly looks like one. There's what is clearly a sink and a tub. But there's also something that looks kind of like a chamber pot. Seeing a lever on it I reached up and pushed it. The sound of loud rushing water admittedly scared me. Causing me to cry and back away from it, shaking a little and hugging my plushies for comfort. *wetting myself a little more. 

Mommy came rushing in and lifted me up, holding me. "Shhhh, it's ok Darky. It's just the potty. Nothing to be scared of, see?" Mommy said while rubbing my back and showing me what she calls the potty

"D-dats nawt da potty," I said while suckling my pacifier, not even caring how I sounded at the moment

"Yes, it is Darky. The nice dragons from Pantala have helped us make our lives a little better. This is one of the first homes with something they call indoor plumbing. This potty is much more sanitary than a chamber pot. But you don't need to worry about that because you're not anywhere close to being able to potty train yet."

I had to blink a few times and take what she just said in. "But I am potty trained," I whined while mommy carried me out of the bathroom and down the hall to the next room

                 The room I was carried into was clearly Mommy's room. I could tell because there was a little bit of jewelry on a little side table next to a rather large bed. Her bed was the other hint that told me this isn't my room because I doubt mommy will let me sleep in a normal bed. Now or ever again. 

"No, if you were you wouldn't of wet and messed yourself in front of the seawing princess. But you did so clearly you aren't potty trained. Besides, you're just so adorable with a poofy padded butt." Mommy said while pinching my cheek

"moooooommmmmmy," I whined while blushing, not even being able to come up with a defense for myself. Knowing even if I did mommy would just ignore it and counter it with something

(Foeslayer PoV)

I just chuckled and nuzzled Darky, "Does my little poofy pants want to see his new room?" I asked while walking out of my room and to a door right across from it

                   Darky only nodded his head while blushing a little as he hugged his plushies. Smiling I opened the door revealing a rather nice nursery. All the furnishings being white painted oak wood. The crib having a mobile with colorful little rainwings with their wings spread, as though they're flying in a circle. A colorful padded rug in the center of the room with some toys on it. Most importantly is the open closet that has his diapers and plenty of space for cute outfits. Though the furniture is a bit small for him, that's where I give him some freedom.

"So, I know things are a little small. But I will take off this bracelet long enough to let you size things up for you and to change the decorations. I will know if you do more. If you do your punishment will become worse." I said rather clearly and with my motherly authority at full blast

(authors note: to the person that suggested I add in disposable diapers. I will get there, I just need to progress the world's available commodities and technology as the setting of the books this is based on is roughly ancient Roman and ancient Egyptian levels of technological advancement.  Leaps and bounds will be made, though I will try and make them fit with the setting and what is known about the setting which might get tricky. 

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