Deathbringers First Diaper Change

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            After Tsunami and Coral left Deathbringer sighed and reached down to remove the thick padding from between his hinds. But he was stopped by Glory as she grabbed his wrist and shook her head in disapproval. 

"No, no, you can't do that. Remember the bet you agreed to and lost?" She reminds him while letting go of him. 

"yes, but we never specified...." Deathbringer stopped talking as he realized his mistake. He never asked how long he would have to be in diapers for losing the bet. 

"Never specified what? How long you'll have to be in padding? Because if you're wondering how long, I'd say indefinitely. You look too cute to let out of diapers." 

Deathbringer blushes heavily and huffs. Turning his back to Glory and trying to ignore the full feeling of his belly. "Whatever, at least I don't enjoy this enough to a point where I'd willingly wear one in front of a visiting queen." 

Glory glared at him. Her own diaper having been on full display during the entire visit from Queen Coral. "For that comment, you'll be waiting an hour after you have an accident for a diaper change. I just know you probably have to go potty too." She says while patting his padded rear with her tail.

Deathbringers jaw dropped, he turned around and stared at his queen and girlfriend in disbelief. "What?! But, y-you can't." 

"I can and I will. Unless you are really adorable about asking for a change after you have an accident."

          Just then another rainwing flies in and leaves a box with some colorful blocks and a diaper bag next to Deathbringer before flying off. Glory smiles seeing the box of blocks and the diaper bag be put down. 

"Ah good, your supplies have arrived," She says walking over to the diaper bag and opening it up. pulling a pink rainwing plushy out of it and placing it in front of her boyfriend. Also pulling out a pacifier and sticking it in his open maw. "Go ahead and play with your blocks and plushy. There's still quite a few more hours before we can go to sleep." 

           Deathbringer was just in shock still as Glory went and sat back down on her throne. He didn't know how to respond, the pacifier in his maw felt odd, yet comforting and the plushy at his feet looked soft and cute. Plus the blocks looked like further embarrassment, yet something fun and simple to play with. Letting out a sigh, he starts to play with the blocks while giving his pacifier a few tentative suckles. Quickly the few suckles every now and then became constant as his mind drifted off and he became only focused on his blocks and how he got to where he is now. 

          Glory enjoyed watching as Deathbringer became more relaxed as his mind wandered. She honestly thought he looked right sitting there in a diaper with a pacifier in his maw. Though she was looking forward to watching him squirm while trying not to mess himself. But she knows he'll get used to it soon enough. 

 After a few more hours Deathbringers eyes widened as he dropped the block that was in his foretalon. Starting to squirm heavily from the sudden intense feeling in his bowels. "Gwory, I need to use the batwoom. Pwease for the love of the 3 moons, let me use it" He pleads, not even realizing his slurred speech from the pacifier still in his maw

"You're wearing your bathroom silly. Go on and go potty, it's not that bad" She coos while watching him. Giggling from the fact the pacifier didn't drop from his mouth and that he's still suckling on it. 

              He whines softly, still trying to hold it in. But, the soothing, simple-minded effects of suckling a pacifier while playing with blocks left him unaware of his bodily needs. leaving him with little warning of his impending accident.

"Gwory, please, I'm sorry for sabotaging you earlier dis morning with the prunes. But pwease, let me use the batwoom," He tries asking again, feeling on the verge of an accident.

"No, you lost the bet and knew what you were agreeing to. It was your own fault for not asking more questions. Now, be a good boy and use your diaper for the intended purpose."

                 Deathbringer lets out one last whine before sighing and giving up. He did know what he was getting himself into, and yet he agreed to it anyway. Thinking he could do it without problems. At least he could live with the comfort knowing that he isn't at risk to wet or mess himself in his sleep tonight. 

              With that last thought out of his head, he squats a little and grunts. Squeezing his eyes shut and trying not to think about what he's doing. Soon enough his diaper sags as a brown stain shows up on his padded butt. Quiet farts just being an added sign that he's messing himself. That's quickly followed by a quiet hissing sound as he wets himself as well. His diapers crotch turning yellow and bloating.

"Awww, see that wasn't so bad, now was it?" Glory coos while patting his head

Deathbringer had to admit, it really wasn't. He had been in comparatively worse places during his time as an assassin. "I-I guess not, but can I pwease get a change now? This feels gwoss" He asks, trying not to let his mess touch his scales. 

"Remember, you can either wait an hour for me to change you, or you can ask cutely now and I'll change you now. But it has to be really adorable," She reminds him.

He again sighs in defeat, willing to lose what little dignity he has left just to get a change now. "Will you pwease change me Gwory? I had a big accident in my diapew and now it's weally stinky and soggy." 

"Awwww, alright, I guess I change my adorable stinky boyfriend. Lay down on your back and I'll get right to it," She says with a giggle while getting out a clean pink diaper and some wipes.

             Deathbringer blushes heavily but obeys. laying on his back and watching as his girlfriend changes his diaper. Swiftly and efficiently, clearly having had lots of practice doing so. But he tilted his head, wondering where in the world she would've gotten so much practice. Luckily she noticed his confused look. Because he'd be too embarrassed to broach the subject unprompted. 

"What is it? Do you have a question sweetie?" She asks as she finishes up the change

Deathbringer finally realizes he's been speaking past a pacifier the whole time as he opens his maw to answer. He removes it from his mouth, blushing even more. "Yea, where did you learn to change diapers so well? I'm not complaining or making fun, just curious." 

"Oh, uh, Tsunami and Starflight were both slow to be potty trained, so I was usually the one to get to change them. Clay, Sunny, and I are all pretty good at changing diapers at this point. Which is why you won't be changing mine, I'll be changing myself. But you, I don't trust you to be good at it. So only I or nurses can change you. Alright?" She asks while putting his pacifier back in his maw. 

Deathbringer blushes and nods his head in understanding then yawns a little bit. Tired from the days' events. "Can we go to bed now Gwory?" He asks, blushing as he speaks past the pacifier which he's already suckling

Glory smiles and nods, nuzzling him. "of course, grab your plushy and we'll go curl up in bed," Glory says walking through a door next to her throne that leads into her bed-chamber. 

                 Deathbringer does grab the plushy and follows after Glory. Once in the bed-chamber, he sees her finishing changing into a nighttime diaper on the bed. She pats the spot on the bed next to her. He doesn't need any verbal invitation and gets in the bed with her. Laying down and hugging the plushy a little as he lays his head down. Glory pulling the blankets up and over them. As well as draping a wing over Deathbringer. 

"Good night Deathbringer, Love you," She says nuzzling his already asleep form before laying her head down next to his with a smile and falling asleep. 

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