Daddy's beach humiliation (winter chapter)

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(Moon PoV)

         First thing I packed were the diapers. Those were the most important thing. Then I packed pacifiers and towels. I put Cinder, Winters' plushie in the diaper bag as well. Just in case. I put a few bottles of formula and a few water skins in last. I then slung the bag over my shoulder and went back into Winters' nursery.

(Qibli PoV)

As soon as Moon was out of the room I looked over at Winter. "Winter, bud, please call this off. Moon will listen to you. I can't go out dressed like this," I pleaded

"Sorry daddy, but I want to see you make stinkies in front of everyone like you made me do," Winter responded as he tapped my snout

"Well I'm not going to use the diaper," I said

"That's what you said at breakfast, and then you made stinkies in that diaper," 

"Moon put something in my food, I don't mess myself like a helpless hatchling,"

Winter giggled, "Sure you don't,"

        I was about to say something when Moon came back in the room and let me and Winter out of the playpen. 

"Are my hatchlings ready for a fun-filled day at the river?" She asked excitedly

"YES YES YES," Winter screamed while bouncing

"Moons, does he even remember how to be an adult," I thought, which got me a stern warning look from Moon

"Good, now come on," Moon said as she led us out the door

            As soon as we walked out everyone looked and laughed. Moon wouldn't let me walk under her wing, though I guess I deserve to be fully exposed like this. I was nervous, really nervous, and I could feel my bladder needing release due to it. I wasn't going to wet myself though. Winter, however, I'm sure he did wet himself. Once at the river Moon led us over to a shady spot under some trees before checking our diapers.

"Good boy Winter, going pee-pee in your diapee. Mommy will change you into a clean diapee in a second ok?" Moon said as she patted Winter's head

"Ok mommy,"

Moon looked at me as she felt my diaper, "Qibli if you have to go pee-pee, go pee-pee. It's not healthy to hold it in," Moon said not moving her talons from the front of my diaper

"No, I'm not using a diaper. I don't need them," I protested

"Really? Because I think that messy diaper of yours from this morning says otherwise. So go pee-pee,"

           Blushing from embarressment I relaxed my bladder and started wetting myself. Moon smiled and took her talon away from my diaper as she felt the warmth from my pee fill the front. I whimpered and tried to hide my self with my wings as everyone started to laugh at me. Moon how ever wasn't having it, and pulled my wings away from my face and stuck a pacifier in my mouth.

"No hiding mister. Now if you need to make more poopies I suggest you do that now, otherwise, you'll be swimming in poopie diapers," Moon said as she started to change Winters diaper

"I don't need to make poopies," I said while pouting slightly

"Alright, how about you change daddy for me Winter," Moon said as she finished changing Winters diaper

"I can do that for you mommy," Winter said as he started to look in the diaper bag 

                I gulped when I saw the diaper he picked out for me. It was the same one I put on him yesterday. I whimpered and gave Moon a pleading expression as Winter started to change me. Moon only giggled and shook her head. Once Winter finished changing me Moon checked to see how well he did and smiled.

"Good job buddy, you didn't make any mistakes. Daddys diaper is ready for swimming," Moon said as she hugged Winter 

"Do I really have to go swimming?" I asked

"Yes you do, now come on," Moon said as she dragged me to the water

            Winter started jumping around and playing as soon as we got to the water. I, however, was trying to go unnoticed. Moon didn't like that, so she pulled me into the water more. I resisted somewhat,

"Moon, please don't make me go into the open more. Everyones gonna see the diaper I'm wearing,"

"Don't be silly sweetie, and besides everyone already saw you go pee-pee in one of your diapers. Now, go play with Winter," Moon said while giving me a gentle push towards Winter

              At first I wasn't really trying to play, but after a few minutes I got into it. I started having fun and forgot about everyone watching me. Me and Winter played for, I don't even know how long before we heard Moon calling us over. Once we got back to Moon she changed us into dry diapers and giggled seeing yellow stains in both of them.

"Did my little hatchlings have so much fun they forgot about their bladders?" Moon said teasingly

"N-no, I meant to use my diaper," I said not wanting to admit I didn't even know I wet myself

Winter giggled "I guess I did mommy,"

"Of course you did Winter, you're just a silly little hatchling who can't help it. Now are my little hatchlings thirsty? I bet you are after all that playing," Moon said as she got the two bottles out of the diaper bag and gave us one each

"Thank you mommy," Winter said before laying on his back and begging to suckle the bottle

            I swallowed what was left of my pride and started to suckle too. I was barely through the bottle when I felt Moon lay me on my back. She took the bottle from my talons so she could hold it for me. She smiled at me as I continued to suckle. The milk in it tasted sweet, but slightly off. 

"She's probably drugging me or something, wouldn't be surprised if she wants me to make poopies in front of all these dragons," I thought

"Are my hatchlings enjoying their babas?" Moon asked 

            Winter and I both nodded our heads. It took another minute or so for us to finish our bottles. Once we did Moon let us go back to the water and keep playing.

"Winter, did your milk taste off to you? And please give me an adult minded answer," I asked in a whisper

"Yea, a little, though Moon could've just added a bit more flavor to them with fruit juice or something. But I don't care if I mess myself in front of all these dragons so much this time, because you'll be messing your self too," Winter whispered back

(Winter PoV)

         Right as daddy opened his mouth to say something else he grabbed his stomach right as I felt the need to make poopies. I gulped a little, but I started to myself. Knowing it would be pointless to try and hold it in. I giggled watching daddy try and fight it.

"Just let it out daddy. You'll feel better if you do," I said leading him out of the water, right where everyone has a good view of him

Mommy came over and smiled at daddy "Winters right sweetie, just make poopies and your tummy will feel better,"

"No, I'm an adult," daddy protested

"Do adults go pee-pee without noticing while playing?" Moon asked

              Daddys only answer was a whimper as he started to mess himself. Most dragons around him started to point and laugh. Some were making disgusted faces. Few had looked sorry for him, probably thinking he recently developed a need for diapers. I was giggling because he just kept making poopies for a solid minute. Once he was done, he was crying.

I started to hug him, "I know it's scary, but don't you feel so much better now daddy?"

"I g-guess," daddy answered as I started to hear a hissing sound come from his diaper

"Ok, I think you've completely learned your lesson. But I think you should stay in diapers until we're sure the laxatives I gave you have fully worn off," Mommy said as she changed daddy into a clean diaper

            Once mommy finished changing daddy she took us home. I was feeling pretty tired and mommy could tell so she set gave me my plushie and set me down for a nap in my crib. I feel asleep Cuddling my plushie shortly after.

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